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Under the umbrella term Exhibit, the exhibition area of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is concerned with enabling teachers, students and alumnae_i to engage in diverse practices of exhibiting, as well as to reflect on exhibitions as a medium. With the program of its three exhibition spaces, the exhibition area of the Academy strives to operate at the interface of academic teaching and exhibition practice. At the same time, it presents the Academy’s contemporary production of knowledge and art to the general public.

Exhibit Gallery

In addition to the diploma presentations, the Exhibit Gallery at Schillerplatz hosts exhibition projects that refer to topics discussed at the academy and thereby take up current trends in contemporary art. Attention is paid to the fact that the projects develop out of the teaching activities of the institutes and departments or are designed as epoch-spanning collaborations between the art collections of the Academy and its contemporary art production. The focus is on positioning students and their works in a contemporary art context and on giving graduates the opportunity to collect experience in exhibiting.

Exhibit Eschenbachgasse

Exhibit Eschenbachgasse offers teachers and researchers at the Academy the opportunity to use the exhibition space for their projects for a maximum of three weeks. The space thus sees itself as a field of experimentation for an expanded teaching and research practice and brings exhibition making into view as a special artistic field of action. Exhibit Eschenbachgasse is also used for collaborative projects.

Exhibit Studio

Exhibit Studio at Schillerplatz is the exhibition space for students of the Academy. For one academic year at a time, the space is programmed and coordinated by alternating student employees. It offers students the opportunity to exchange ideas across their specific studios, to test various exhibition formats and to gain initial experience in curating and organizing exhibitions.

Exhibition Committee

Kirsten Borchert
Victoria Dejaco (extern)
Ingeborg Erhart
Sabine Folie
Doris Guth
Sarah Held
Michael Höpfner
Christina Jauernik
Marissa Lobo (extern)
Sofie Mathoi
Mark Napadenski (ÖH)
Mario Strk (ÖH)

Upcoming events

  • Guided Tour "Exhibit – Diverse Ausstellungspraxen" for First Year Students

    The Vice Rector for Art and Teaching, Ingeborg Erhart, guides a tour of the exhibition in the Exhibit Gallery - exclusively for first-year students!

    Internal event


  • Steffi Alte and Students: A talk about the „demoraum K“ installation

    The starting point of the discussion is the work of students in three mobile architectures designed by the artist and teacher Steffi Alte, the so-called “demoraum K”, which can be found in the exhibition.

    Artist Talk


    Exhibit Gallery

  • Tour with participating artists through the exhibition "Exhibit - Diverse Ausstellungspraxen"

    Silvia Eiblmayr leads through the exhibition EXHIBIT – DIVERSE AUSSTELLUNGSPRAXEN in conversation with participating artists .

    Guided tour


    Exhibit Gallery

  • Exhibit Studio

  • Exhibit - diverse Ausstellungspraxen

    Curated by Ingeborg Erhart and Sofie Mathoi


    Schillerplatz 3
    1. floor
    1010 Vienna

    Exhibit Gallery

  • INTO ALTERITY_ void I gap I hole

    For the second exhibition at Exhibit Studio in 2024, Juan Rodrigo Torres Plata and Jennifer Posny are proposing a reflection about the spaces we interact in, based on a perspective beyond the physical: if we abandoned the conception of space as a mere container, and rather perceived it as a conglomerate of multi-dependent relations, we might be able to look at it as a dimension of comprehension.



    Exhibit Studio

    Kunstinstallation aus Holz mit einem Gesicht aus Ton in einem weißen Raum
  • Exhibition Opening: Muslim*Contemporary 2024

    “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Are We Too Muslim for This Country?”

    This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

    Exhibition Opening


    Fine Arts