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International Velux Award 2012

Event Label
Registration until
Organisational Units

for students of architecture

On 1 October 2011, VELUX launches the International VELUX Award 2012 for Students of Architecture. The Award has grown year by year since its introduction in 2004, reaching 2,366 registrations from 351 schools in 85 countries in 2010.

The award wants to challenge students of architecture to explore the ever-relevant theme of daylight in architecture and to celebrate excellence in completed study works. The Award seeks to widen the boundaries of daylight in architecture, including aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and the interaction between buildings and environment.

The overall theme of the award is "Light of Tomorrow" , and the Award is open to interpretation in concrete projects in any scale or in conceptual ideas and explorations taking advantage of the students' curiosity, willingness to take risks and thinking out of the box.

We hope that you will support the pre-launch of the Award by drawing the attention of the teachers to the Award and the possibilities of using the theme of daylight and architecture as part of the curriculum during the fall term. The outline of the Award timeline is:

  • 1 October 2011: Registration opens (registration is mandatory and teacher must authorize participation)
  • January 2012: Jury is appointed (international jury with representatives from UIA and EAAE)
  • March 2012: Registration closes
  • May 2012: Submission deadline
  • June 2012: Jury meeting
  • October 2012: Announcement of winners and prize giving at Award event

We also hope that you will distribute the enclosed flyers in campus to raise the interest among the students.

Below we have collected a few facts about the Award if you want to know more.

Thank you very much for your interest and assistance!

Best regards,

Facts about the International VELUX Award

The Award was given in 2004 as a European Award. From 2006 it went global, and in 2010 the Award received 673 projects from 351 schools in 85 countries. All projects must be backed by a teacher, and teachers as well as students are awarded.

Out of 673 entries in 2010, 11 projects were awarded at the Award event in La Rochelle, France, and the winning teams and their teachers shared the prize money of 30,000 euro. Six out of eleven projects were crafted by Chinese students, and the first prize winner was a team of four students from South Korea. Winners in previous years have come from Norway, Sweden and the US.

In 2010 the jury was composed of Magda Mostafa (Egypt) representing UIA and elected chairman of the jury: Momoyo Kaijima (Japan), Will Bruder (USA), Nathalie de Vries (the Netherlands), and Stefano Musso (Italy) representing EAAE. The jury was impressed by the general quality of the projects and characterized the entries as a panorama of approaches to the theme.

Award brief and detailed information about registration and participation will be issued on 1 October 2011 at .

More information about the International VELUX Award is available on .