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University professor for Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory at the Department of Art Theory and Cultural Sciences

Extra Label
Closing Date for Applications
Due Date
Sa 15.10.2016

The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna is currently accepting applications for the following position:

University professor

for Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory at the Department of Art Theory and Cultural Sciences according to § 99 of the Universities Act of 2002 (Universitätsgesetz 2002). This professorship is a full-time equivalent job available from March 1 to June 30, 2017.

Job duties include teaching a minimum of eight semester hours in the above-mentioned subject area.

Requirements for the application are:

  • a doctorate degree in the field from an Austrian university or a recognized equivalent from a foreign institution
  • excellent academic qualifications in the field of research
  • a comprehensive list of publications and several years of research activity
  • proof of several years of teaching experience on a university level in the relevant subject areas.
  • educational and didactic skills and experience
  • international and non-university experience in the field of art theory and cultural criticism
  • knowledge of non-Western philosophy, epistemology, and aesthetics
  • knowledge of interdisciplinary art theory and cultural sciences
  • excellent command of English and/or German

Preferred qualifications:

  • knowledge of current discourses and experience in the field of contemporary art production and its intersection with contemporary theories in the disciplines of philosophy and cultural sciences
  • habilitation or equivalent postdoctoral qualifications
  • willingness to cooperate with colleagues
  • willingness to cooperate with other institutions of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Applications should include a detailed CV and teaching plan.

The gross monthly salary according to the collective bargaining agreement for university employees in group A1 is currently EUR 4.842,7.

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna intends to increase the number of women in all areas of staff, particularly in managerial, scientific and artistic staff positions. Therefore, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna greatly encourages qualified women to apply. In the event that several applicants are equally qualified, women will be the preferred candidates. The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is committed to implementing anti-discriminatory measures in its personnel policies. Applicants will not be reimbursed for travelling and accommodation expenses incurred as a result of their participation in the application process.

Interested candidates are invited to send their applications following the link