Slavcho Dimitrov: Skopje Pride Weekend - Thinking Together the Political and the Curatorial: Affect, Relationality and Performativity
The very last event of the 4-year art-based research project FWF PEEK 679 Conviviality as Potentiality concludes with the region of Europe that reaches us with the most precise thinking about TOGETHER in the melting world
Slavcho Dimitrov (Skopje, North Macedonia)
Skopje Pride Weekend - Festival for Queer Art, Culture and Theory
Thinking Together the Political and the Curatorial: Affect, Relationality and Performativity
Moderated by Marina Grzinic
In this lecture, Slavcho Dimitrov explores the concept of the political (le politique) by examining its complex and constitutive entanglement with corporeality, affect, and matter. He refers to some important philosophers such as Jean-Luc Nancy, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, and Jacques Rancière and places them in a critical dialog with the transdisciplinary possibilities of corporeal feminism, new materialism, affect, and body studies. He will relate the political to the performative dimension of the "curatorial," its instituent power, and its ability to create “temporary social situations” (Lind 2012). All these concepts will be reflected through my Dimitrov curatorial work in the context of Skopje Pride Weekend - Festival for Queer Art, Culture, and Theory.
Skopje Pride Weekend is an annual festival in North Macedonia organized by the Coalition MARGINS which takes place in North Macedonia. The overarching goal of the festival is to create space for the presentation and promotion of non-normative and non-binary relationships that form affects, identity positions, body styles, and sensibilities that have been marked as queer, eccentric failures by the heteronormative, nationalist, and neoliberal capitalist context.