(Scientific) Publishing and Open Access
An introduction to scientific communication with Andreas Ferus as part of the WissensWert series.
The course provides a first insight into the topics of scientific publishing and Open Access, focusing not only on the clarification of essential terms of scientific communication, but also on their legal framework.
Questions to be answered in the course of this are, for example: What is a typical publication process for a journal article, anthology contribution, or book? What is meant by a preprint, postprint or published version? What exactly is this "ominous" peer review that people keep talking about? What do all these "funny" acronyms, such as DOI and ORCiD, mean and what are they good for? And what exactly do we mean by all these "open" terms (such as open science, open access, etc.) that we keep hearing about?
Monolingual format (German); with Andreas Ferus.
Minimum 5, maximum 15 participants | Registration required: r.lackner@akbild.ac.at.
Recommended reading: Predatory and other questionable practices in scholarly communication (Andreas Ferus and Gerlinde Maxl, February 2023)
In its Teaching Library Program entitled WissensWert [Worth Knowing], the University Library of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers introductory courses, trainings, and other educational events to teach information literacy.
The program comprises beginners’ courses how to use the library as well as expert trainings in e-media research. These courses address issues of access, evaluation, processing and responsible use of information. Why are many databases free to use; (how) is information evaluated; what does peer-reviewed mean, and what is an impact factor (IF); why is Google so popular and what the entailed dangers? The programs are target audience-oriented in design, with accompanying scripts for in-depth self-study. The goal is to provide participants with the skills and abilities needed to cope with the demands of our information and knowledge society.