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Calls / Contests Art and Research

List of entries

  • AK Wissenschaftspreis 2024 | Demokratie in der Arbeitswelt - Ein Weg zur fairen Arbeit?

    Die Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich schreibt zum 41. Mal den AK-Wissenschaftspreis aus. Dieser wird für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten vergeben, die 2023 oder 2024 fertig gestellt werden und der Verbesserung der Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen der Arbeitnehmer_innen dienen. 

    Deadline 30.6.2024

  • City of Vienna | SHIFT Open Call

    SHIFT is a promotional programme of the City of Vienna for alternative artistic practices of cultural work in urban peripheral areas.

    Deadline 30.6.2024

  • Anton Bruckner Private University | Thinking with the body - Overcoming methodological boundaries

    A joint symposium of the artistic research project “Embodying Expression, Gender, Charisma Breaking Boundaries of Classical Instrumental Practices” and the interdisciplinary research network Implicit Knowledge. It will take place from 19-20 September 2024 at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz.

    Call for Contributions 30.6.2024

  • IFK | Research Fellowship

    ifk Research Fellowships are intended for postdoctoral researchers. Qualified applications can be submitted regardless of the nationality and institutional or professional affiliation of the applicant. Austrian applicants with comparable qualifications are given preference.

    Deadline 7.7.2024

  • IFK | Senior Fellowship

    ifk Senior Fellowships are intended for outstanding researchers who are advanced in their academic careers, and want to pursue their own research at the IFK while fostering intellectual cooperation with the ifk Fellows and other Austrian colleagues.

    Deadline 7.7.2024

  • BMK | Climate-neutral city mission - technologies and innovations for the climate-neutral city 2024

    The Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Climate and Energy Fund have set themselves the goal of jointly enabling and accelerating the implementation of energy and climate targets in Austrian cities, neighbourhoods and buildings through the "Climate Neutral City" mission.

    Deadline 11.7.2024

  • Orpheus Instituut | ECHO #6 – Interface After AI

    This special issue aims to address the limitations imposed by existing approaches to interface design on the current epoch of deep learning technology and to explore how insights from musical and artistic instrumentality may help unblock further development.

    Call for Contributions 15.7.2024

  • BMKOES | Start-up scholarship - fine arts, design, photography and media art

    The start-up scholarships recognise and support the work of young artists. They are intended to promote artistic development and facilitate entry into the Austrian and international art scene.

    Deadline 15.7.2024

  • Province of Salzburg | Parallel Vienna 2024

    The province of Salzburg is once again planning to take part in the PARALLEL VIENNA 2024 exhibition this year.

    Deadline 15.7.2024

  • FWF | Elise Richter Programme

    The Elise Richter Programme for senior postdocs have been designed as a specific funding measure for women in science and research.

    Deadline 16.7.2024, 14 h

  • FWF | Elise Richter PEEK

    The Elise Richter PEEK Programme supports women in arts-based research.

    Deadline 16.7.2024, 14 h

  • INSPIRELI Awards | Talent Competition

    The INSPIRELI Awards talent competition is aimed at young students and graduates of architecture and design studies.

    Deadline 16.7.2024

  • Fünfzigzwanzig | Open Call 2025

    For the 2025 annual program, Fünzigzwanzig are looking for artistic positions that design future scenarios of a cooperative everyday structure. Possible starting points are scientific findings or technical innovations that have the potential to have a transformative effect on society.

    Deadline 4.8.2024

  • Horizon Europe | ERC Advanced Grant Call 2024

    ERC Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.

    Deadline 29.8.2024, 17 h

  • Bildungshaus Sankt Magdalena | Erwin Wenzl Prize 2024

    Prizes are awarded for diploma theses and dissertations for graduates with a connection to Upper Austria.

    Deadline 31.8.2024

  • AK Upper Austria | AK Science Award 2025 "Artificial Intelligence"

    With the 2025 competition, AK Oberösterreich is breaking new ground in the promotion of science among young researchers. In future, the AK Science Award will be awarded in two categories.

    Deadline 31.8.2024

  • European Commission | MSCA4Ukraine

    With a recent top up of EUR 10 million from the European Commission, the MSCA4Ukraine initiative will support additional researchers displaced from Ukraine.

    Deadline 5.9.2024

  • Horizon Europe | MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

    MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality.

    Deadline 11.9.2024, 17 h

  • OeAW | DOC

    The DOC Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences offers funding for highly qualified doctoral candidates in all areas of research.

    Deadline 16.9.2024

  • CERV | Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

    This current CERV call supports capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

    Deadline 18.9.2024, 17 h