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Calls / Contests Art and Research

List of entries

  • University of Porto | Psiax #8 Open Call

    In this edition, they are interested in showcasing drawings, artistic projects, images, articles, essays, and contextual or critical texts that address, problematize, or explore representations of Nature and Landscape, Environmental Narratives, connections between humans and non-humans, our anthropocentric culture, or other possible worldviews.

    Call for Contributions 1.10.2024

  • Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2023/2024 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    This prize rewards outstanding contributions to the Research Catalogue (i.e. RC Expositions) by staff and students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. We are looking for published RC contributions from the years 2023 and 2024.

    Deadline 3.10.2024, 11 h

  • FWF | Astra Awards 2024

    FWF has launched a new career funding program called the FWF Astra Awards. This funding will help advanced postdocs in Austria make the leap to the top of their research field.

    Deadline 3.10.2024, 14 h

  • BML | Neptun State Prize for Water

    The Neptun State Prize for Water is the Austrian environmental and innovation prize for sustainable water projects.

    Deadline 14.10.2024

  • Austrian Patent Office | National Patent Award 2025

    The State Patent Award puts the spotlight on particularly innovative achievements. It is the highest state honour for inventions and brands and will be awarded for the fifth time in June 2025.

    Deadline 14.10.2024

  • Horizon Europe | ERC Starting Grant Call 2025

    The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their research proposal.

    Deadline 15.10.2024, 17 h

  • Society for Artistic Research | 16th SAR Conference 2025 in Porto

    The 16th International Conference on Artistic Research (May 7 - 9, 2025) with the theme “Resonance” is hosted by i2ADS, University of Porto.

    Call for Contributions 15.10.2024

  • Province of Burgenland | Award for Bachelor's/Master's theses with a feminist focus 2023/24

    In 2024, the Department of Women, Anti-Discrimination and Equal Treatment of the Burgenland Provincial Government will award a prize for Bachelor's/Master's theses that consider topics against the background of feminist approaches or gender aspects into the work.

    Deadline 15.10.2024

  • Otto Mauer Fonds | Msgr. Otto Mauer-Prize 2024

    In continuation of the concerns of Msgr Otto Mauer (1907 - 1973), who gained international recognition through his commitment to contemporary art and young artists, the Otto Mauer Fund is awarding the Msgr Otto Mauer Prize for Fine Arts (painting, graphics, sculpture, objects, installations, new media) for the 44th time at the end of the year.

    Deadline 16.10.2024, 17:30 h

  • Cumulus Association | Cumulus Nantes Conference 2025

    L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique and the Cumulus Association are pleased to announce the opening of the call for contributions for the bi-annual Cumulus Conference 2025.

    Call for Contributions 18.10.2024

  • Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society | HUB Open Call #4: Varia

    HUB is a peer-reviewed and open-access research journal for reporting on arts, design, and performing arts. The journal is published twice a year by i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (University of Porto, Portugal) and hosted on the Research Catalogue platform.

    Call for Contributions 20.10.2024

  • FFG | COMET Projects 2024

    COMET Projects aim to carry out high-quality research in science - industry collaboration. They are characterised by a medium-term perspective and clearly defined topics with the potential for further development. The upcoming call will open on 16 April 2024.

    Deadline 22.10.2024, 12 h

  • Stadt Wien | Zeitgemäße Formen des Erinnerns

    Die Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7) schreibt den Projekt-Call "Geschichte(n) Wiens: Projekt-Call für zeitgemäße Formen des Erinnerns", eine Initiative der Stadt Wien zum Republikjubiläumsjahr 2025 (1945/55/95) in Erinnerung an Heidemarie Uhl, aus.

    Deadline 31.10.2024

  • B&C Private Foundation | Houska Prize 2025

    Established in 2005, the B&C Private Foundation’s Houska Prize was set up to promote business-related research and innovation. By awarding the prize, B&C’s goal is to help strengthen Austria as a business location while expressing its appreciation for the outstanding research work carried out in the country.

    Deadline 31.10.2024

  • Elite Design Awards | Arts and Crafts

    Elite, which specialises in the manufacture of high-end beds, wishes to support innovative design by offering creatives and designers the opportunity to conceive a bed for the annual Elite Design Awards.

    Deadline 1.11.2024

  • University of Arts Helsinki | Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts

    The Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Helsinki, together with Master´s Degree Programmes in Scenography, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Theatre Pedagogy and Dance Pedagogy, and the Performance + Ecology Research Lab (P+ERL) of the Creative Arts Research Institute (CARI) of Griffith University, Australia, are announcing the ninth international conference on artistic research.

    Call for Contributions 3.11.2024

  • Open Call of the Academy | Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2024/25

    The dissertation scholarship for the final phase aims to support doctoral students in the last phase of their dissertation until completion.

    Deadline 5.11.2024, 11 h

  • Open Call of the Academy | Design oriented publications "Fine Companions"

    The Rectorate is now opening the call for submissions for new, design-oriented volumes of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The call is aimed at employees (including project staff) and students of the Academy.

    Call for Contributions 6.11.2024, 11 h

  • CETPartnership | Clean Energy Transition Joint Call

    The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) aims to accelerate the clean energy transition and to contribute the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. 

    Deadline 21.11.2024, 14 h

  • Handwerksmuseum Deggendorf | 10th competition for handicraft and design

    Every three years the Handwerksmuseum (museum of crafts) organizes a competition on the creation of an everyday item. In 2025, the theme of the tenth competition is „Rethinking headgear“.

    Deadline 30.11.2024