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Lýdia Grešáková/Spolka: Rethinking Spatial Practice

Event Label
Organisational Units
Art and Architecture
Location Description
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
Room 211a

Language: English

Lecutre by Lýdia Grešáková, sociologist and member of the collective Spolka - organised by Petra Hlaváčková and Nicole Sabella (IKA Gender and Space professorship). Part of the lecture series IKA Lecture Series Summer 25.

"The old way worked, there is no need to change it" or "it cannot be done." These are words we often hear in spatial practice in Slovakia. Yet market-driven urban development deepens inequalities through unaffordable housing, fragmented public spaces, and a disregard for diverse spatial needs. Spolka, a non-profit architecture and sociology studio, challenges these structures through feminist methodologies, critical cartography, and collaborative urban design. We approach cities as ecosystems shaped by everyday interactions, yet planning often neglects those on the margins. This lecture presents Spolka’s work and the relevance of feminist spatial practice in creating more inclusive and caring environments. Perspectives from Slovakia and Central and Eastern Europe, shaped by adaptation and resourcefulness, offer critical insights for rethinking contemporary urbanism.

Spolka is a non-profit architecture and sociology studio. Building on the values of care and sustainability, Spolka has been engaged in spatial practice for more than eight years. Currently, the collective brings together six members, from the fields of architecture, sociology and urban planning. Spolka has been part of several international initiatives (e.g. New European Bauhaus Awards shortlist 2024, LINA fellow 2023, Year of Climate Care 2022 and others) and has successfully established itself in projects with the themes of caring planning and co-creation in Central Europe. In 2022, the organisation expanded its scope to include Spolka Studio, which implements the values of care and sustainability also in design and architectural practice.

Part of the lecture series IKA Lecture Series Summer 25

Further lectures include:
Susanne Brorson: May 12
Miriam Baitala, film screening: May 26
Lara Almarcegui: June 2