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Anka Leśniak, The Restoration of the Witch , part1, 2019-20, video still

Presentation by Anka Leśniak organized by the Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices /PCAP/ prof. Grzinic, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Zoom-Link Meeting ID 921 5224 1629 The exhibition, which will open on 13.01.2022 at  VBKÖ / Austrian Association of Women Artists in Vienna, is an artistic and curatorial project by Anka Leśniak. Other women artists participating in the exhibition are Anna Bochkova, Valerie Habsburg and Violetta Leitner.
Anka Leśniak, [em] The Restoration of the Witch [/em], part1, 2019-20, video still
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