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Lecture by Margitta Buchert, Gennaro Postiglione

Termin Label
Kunst und Architektur

The annual lecture series at IKA in the academic year 2021/2022 will be organised in partnership with the EU research project Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK): Architecture and its Ways of Knowing, in which we are involved as one of ten academic partners.

Margitta Buchert: In-between realms.

Which kind of perception and action is supportive to invigorate the interplay of the known, the tacit and the unknown? This short lecture shall shed some light on a territory, characterized by different moments of creative knowledge generation. Describing the sometimes labyrinthine but very connected passages of design research routes reveals some transferable features and forms of action. Especially those, which take shape as a kind of ‘in-between realm’ may open up insights for evoking valuable questioning and fresh perspectives on a variety of potentials being latently present. The remarks will show notions, navigations and triggers which contribute to strengthen the perspective of ‘tacit knowing’ as a creative challenge.

Gennaro Postiglione: „My“ Tacit Knowledge in Architecture

In my understanding, “My” Tacit Knowledge in Architecture is something built on the evidence of the artefacts (that is to say meaningful architectural places/buildings) and their body/multi-sensorial experience. “The knowing” (to use Luis Kahn vocabulary) on which My Tacit Knowledge is rooted, it is something personal and alive, and it can change in time. It is something complementary to “knowledge” that, to keep on Kahn’s vocabulary, it is something I learned from books. Therefore, I see my architectural practice, research and teaching all nourished by my “deep love” for architecture manifestations and the need to make direct and body experiences of them. Everything has always started from my personal experiences of meaningful places/spaces: at the beginning, under the tutoring of very clever and talented professors, later on my own, preferably within my Community of Practice. I see Architectural Design, during the years at university, as a moment for growing and rooting my capacity to “knowing” meaningful architectural places/spaces as part of my design education. Later, the same capacity - understood as My Tacit Knowledge - nourished different fields, such as my own practice, my research, my teaching. 

Margitta Buchert is - since 2000 - professor in Architecture and Art 20th/21st Century at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences of Leibniz Universität Hannover. The teaching contents focus on architectural theory, design theory, design principles as well as Wingspans of Modernity. The primary fields of research are 'Reflexive Design', 'Urban Architecture' along with the aesthetics and contextuality of architecture, arts, cities, and nature.

She has been invited lecturer, reviewer and expert in diverse national and international institutions and is the curator of the annual symposia on Design and Research in Architecture and Landscape (DARA): Reflexive Design, as well as academic partner in the innovative, international EU-funded research network: Communities of Tacit Knowledge, TACK, initiated by ten leading academic institutions in Europe. The aim of this project is to reveal tacit knowledge forms and to train young scientists to analyse, understand and apply the specific knowledge of architects.

Gennaro Postiglione is Professor in Interior Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, DAStU Department. His researches tackle broadly the concept and the idea of interiors, at the intersection between people, places, and practices, crossing architecture, ethnography, and material culture. The same theoretical background nourishes also his research by design activity focused on adaptive reuse of minor and neglected heritage. He understands research and teaching - and tries to be consistent with - as an integral part of design practice.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860413.
