Hiding Behind Layers of Irony too Complex to Unmask
Gastvortrag von Ana Teixeira Pinto, unterrichtet an der Universität der Künste Berlin, forscht an der Leuphana University, Lüneburg. Moderation: Sabeth Buchmann und Christian Höller
Movements such as the alt-right and neoreaction have recently gained visibility in mainstream culture, and more pointedly within the contemporary art milieu. Intensely supra-structural, these cryptofascist doctrines begun in intellectual circles, rather than at the grass roots level, but have nonetheless bleed into traditional far-right ideology. Racism and misogyny, have come to represent the point of intersection between traditional far-right discourses and what could be construed as a new configuration of fascist ideology taking shape under the aegis of neoliberal governance. Within neoreaction these twin features are supplemented by technophilic narratives through which (male) aggression accrues cultural capital, and by extension, economic value.