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View of the Women's March from the roof of the Voice of America Building, January 21, 2017
© Voice of America

A collaboration between the Program Art and Education at the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Belvedere 21. Supported by Municipal Department 57 – Vienna Women’s Affairs (MA 57) Curated by Elke Krasny , Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Luisa Ziaja , Curator for Contemporary Art at Belvedere, Vienna; together with Lara Perry , School of Humanities, University of Brighton and Dorothee Richter , Director of PhD in Practice in Curating at the ZHdK / University of Reading and Head of MAS in Curating at Zurich University of the Arts . Screening program curated by Claudia Slanar , Curator Blickle Cinema and Blickle Video Archive at Belvedere 21.
View of the Women's March from the roof of the Voice of America Building, January 21, 2017 [br] © Voice of America
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