Ecologically Responsible Exhibition-Making
Eine Diskussionsrunde im Rahmen der Klima Aktion Oktober mit Kuratorin Ewa Chomicka, Nachhaltigkeitsberater Christopher J. Garthe und Kulturtheoretikerin Elke Krasny, moderiert von den Kuratorinnen Mirela Baciak und Fanny Hauser.
Angesichts der anhaltenden Klimakrise hat sich der Kunstindustrie zunehmend Begriffen wie Care und Solidarität sowie ökologischer und artenübergreifender Fürsorge zugewandt. Die Abhängigkeit der Industrie von Billigflügen, fossiler Energie und materieller Akkumulation hat dazu veranlasst, das Transformationspotenzial von Institutionen hin zu einem nachhaltigeren und umweltfreundlicheren Modell zu untersuchen. Wie können wir im Ausstellungsbereich unsere Bedingungen und Produktionsmittel ändern, obwohl wir im Rahmen des neoliberalen globalen Kapitalismus agieren?
. Diskussionsrunde mit Ewa Chomicka, Christopher J. Garthe, Elke Krasny
. Moderation und Konzept: Mirela Baciak und Fanny Hauser
. 19.10., 17 Uhr
. Exhibit Galerie und online via Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 960 2137 1546
. Sprache: Englisch
. keine Anmeldung erforderlich
Ewa Chomicka is cultural anthropologist, Polish philologist, museum professional and curator of contemporary art. She heads the Museum Practices Lab at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews – a unit dealing with the development of cooperation between the museum and contemporary artists as well as interdisciplinary initiatives combining contemporary art, research, and activism. Co-founder of Culture for Climate collective - a grassroots initiative aimed at greening the cultural sector. The group consists of active employees of cultural institutions, NGOs, local authorities, and independent artists and curators from Poland. In 2021 CfC released a guide aimed at supporting cultural practitioners in implementing pro-environmental changes in the cultural sector.
Dr. Christopher Garthe is creative director and consultant for sustainability in museums and exhibitions. For museums, visitor centres and science centres he develops exhibitions related to sustainable topics and supports them in the implementation of a sustainability management. Christopher Garthe studied geography, landscape ecology and regional planning in Hanover and Grenoble, adult education and lifelong learning as well as journalism in Berlin and received his PhD on education and tourism in protected areas. Since 2009, Christopher Garthe has been working at studio klv and is active as a lecturer, author and speaker on sustainability in the cultural sector.
Elke Krasny is Professor for Art and Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She is a feminist cultural theorist, urban researcher, curator, and author. Her scholarship addresses ecological and social justice at the global present with a focus on caring practices in architecture, urbanism, and contemporary art. With Angelika Fitz, she edited Critical Care. Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet together (MIT Press, 2019). With Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold, and Vera Hofmann, she edited Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating (Sternberg Press, 2021). Her forthcoming book Living with an Infected Planet. Covid-19 Feminism and the Global Frontline of Caredevelops a feminist perspective on the rhetoric of war and the realities of care in pandemic times.