Episode 13: Bekanntmachung/Announcement

Performing the Sentence. Research and Teaching in Performative Arts


Some Exercise in Complex Seeing Is Needed

Performing Vienna

Floating Gaps. Considerations on the Basel Performance Chronicle, Part I

Floating Gaps. Interviews in the Basel Performance Chronicle, Part 2

From the Document toward Material Traces. Amelia Jones in Conversation with Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein

What if Life, Permeated by Art, Becomes a Work of Art?

Anatomies of Possible Speaking Positions

Beyond Huddle. Simone Forti in Conversation with Carrie Lambert-Beatty*

Against the End of Art History. Approaching Hesse, Schneeman, and Pryde with an Integrative View of Methodology

On Curating Performance Art and Its Histories

Performance or Enactment

Understanding Is Performative. Philip Auslander in Conversation with Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein

Is the “Re” in Re-enactment the “Re” in Re-performance?


Prolog: Pressekonferenz/Prologue: Press Conference

Episode 1: Portier/Concierge

Episode 2: Begriffe/Terms

Episode 3: Akademie/Academy

Episode 4: Qualifikation/Qualification

Episode 5: Gemäldegalerie/Paintings Gallery

Episode 6: Lehre/Teaching

Episode 7: Soundlabor/Sound Lab

Episode 8: Raumvorstellung/Spatial Perception

Episode 9: Entwurf/Design

Episode 10: Tableau Vivant

Episode 11: Mitbestimmung/Participation

Transcultural Modernisms

Episode 12: Akt/Nude


Understanding Transculturalism. Monica Juneja and Christian Kravagna in Conversation

Transcultural Beginnings. Decolonization, Transculturalism, and the Overcoming of Race

The Many Names of Chandigarh. An Index for Heritage Planning

From Around a Modern House

Home/Nation/Gender - Modern Architectural Practices in Sri Lanka. Anoma Pieris and Moira Hille in Conversation

Dwellers and Strayers. Modernist Zoopolitics in Post/colonial Worlds

No Collar, No Master. Workers and Animals in the Modernization of Rio de Janeiro 1903–04*

Mythopoeic Affairs. The Role of Vernacular Architecture in Maoist China

Walking on Many Legs. Spatial Productions between State Socialism and Third World Modernism in Maoist China

A Modernist Project in China. Gan-da-lei Mudhouses in Early Daqing

Non-Pedigreed Architecture. Felicity D. Scott and Marion von Osten in Conversation

Patios, Carpets, and No Pavilion. Model Housing in Morocco and Israel

An Architectural Overdose. On Planning Discourses of Late 1950s and Early 1960s Architecture Projects in Israel. Zvi Efrat and Marion von Osten in Conversation

Buildings That Fit Society - The Modernist Ideal and the Social Production of Ableist Spaces. Rob Imrie and Eva Egermann in Conversation

Unlikely Encounters in the Fog. Crip Connections Within the Project Model House

Searching for the International Deformed Nation. Or “Too Loud in Its Patterns”. Susan Schweik and Eva Egermann in Conversation

So Many Reports, So Many Questions. For Instance: Is There Such a Thing as Postcolonial Critical Planning?

Semiotics of Appearance. Martha Wilson in Conversation with Dietmar Schwärzler