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Mujeres Creando (Eng: Women Creating) about Mujeres Creando

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Lehárgasse 8
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1060 Wien

Vortrag organisiert vom Institut für bildende Kunst, Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst.

Mujeres Creando is an anarcha-feminist group which began to work in the year 1992 in La Paz, Bolivia, as activation of three friends: Maria Galindo, Julieta Paredes and Monica Mendoza.

They were very critical of the traditional left movement.   They came out of leftist groups themselves, but were sick of the fact that everything was organized from top down, and that women only served tea, or their role was a purely sexual one, or they were nothing more than secretaries.

They stated: "No, we cannot carry on doing this. We believe in revolution, we believe in social change, but this organization is not for us!"

That's why Mujeres Creando is autonomous from political parties, NGOs, the state, hegemonic groups, leaders of unions groups.

They said:  "We don't want bosses, figureheads or exalted leaders. We organize ourselves horizontally, and nobody represents anybody else each woman represents herself."

Organized by Marissa Lôbo (as part of the collective maiz, Linz).
Languages: English, German, Spanish