Suche Liste der Einträge Whatever happened to Sociopolis? Building Urban Narratives Ye Kididi Kiziha (It Is Indeed Pleasing) Imaginary Explosions: Speculative Fictions and Shifting Power Paradigms Be water, my friend: alchemical speculations on soft resistance Intimacy in / between art and body Analysis of the Representation of Contemporary Korean Films through (new)Orientalism and Feminism BRUTE FORCE En/acting Peace. Die Ausstellung "Blood, Sweat and Tears-Assembling Past and Future" von Mathilde ter Heijne als Versammlung von Narrativen feministischer Friedensarbeit 1915-2016 Archiv für Performancekunst? Über die Archivierung, Tradierung und Vermittlung einer Kunstform in Bewegung Big Data Visualization - Transforming Perspectives through Digital Activism