Liste der Einträge
One day exhibition and talk on Resistance and Black Bodies
At 19.30 exhibition of Annie Gonzaga Lorde’ watercolors of Resistance and Black bodies Subjectivities by the artist from Bahia/ Brazil
At 20.30 talk on Diaspora Encounters " We are many and many more" with Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Annie Gonzaga Lorde, Tatiana Nascimento, Mãe Beth de Oxum, Marissa Lôbo and Njideka Stephanie Iroh
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Performative Kunst: Summer Showing
Performances: 19:00
Live Concert: Lime CrushPraterstraße 14, 1020 Wien
Sculpture Sculpting, Pt.1 | Eine zweiteilige Auseinandersetzung mit Skulptur und ihrer Abbildbarkeit von Simone Bader
Präsentiert von Pixel, Bytes & Film – ORF III Artist in Residence
Beyond of the metaphor. The utility sense in six artworks from Cuba
Artist talk by Grethell Rasúa (Havana, Cuba), organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program (IBK).
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Artist talks by Bojan Djordjev and Anka Leśniak
Guest lectures organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program.
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair
Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe Über Malerei organisiert vom Fachbereich Abstrakte Malerei.
Schillerplatz/ 117
One Day Animation Festival
Das 2004 von der ASIFA Austria gegründete One Day Animation Festival versteht sich als österreichischer Beitrag zum Internationalen Tag der Animation.
Ein Projekt von ASIFA Austria in Kooperation mit dem Filmcasino und der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Studio für künstlerischen Animationsfilm | Thomas Renoldner)
Filmcasino, Margaretenstraße 78, 1050 Wien
Re–visiting Space – (cinematographic) mappings of Tsé Biiʼ Ndzisgaii
Guest lecture by Regina Wuzella (Vienna/Berlin) organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program.
Lecture in German language. Discussion afterwards in German and English.Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
The Panache of Artivism within the Imperial Cultural Narrative of the Middle East
Guest lecture by Khaled Ramadan (Lebanon) organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program and Walter Seidl, curator, Vienna
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd
Impossible Frontiers: The Periphery of Invisible Identities
Filmscreening by Yosef Joseph Dadoune (Israel) organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program.
Atelierhaus/ Atelier Süd