Filmvorführung | The Frankfurt Kitchen
Veranstaltet vom Institut für Kunst und Architektur. Einführung von Dr. Joachim Krausse.
The IKA presents two documentary films: “Neues Wohnen – neues Bauen” (“New Living - New Building”) and “Die Frankfurter Küche” (“The Frankfurt Kitchen”), both conceived and directed by the design expert Jo Krausse and the architectural theorist Jonas Geist. The films were originally produced for WDR television.
The filmmakers interviewed historic eyewitnesses, including the architects Bernhard Hermkes, Ferdinand Kramer and Grete Schütte-Lihotzky as well as kitchen manufacturers, agents and many original tenants of Frankfurt ’s May estate. The films also draw on historic film, radio and photographic documents to illuminate the “New Frankfurt” not just as a building project, but as a living cultural experiment on a large scale.