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List of entries

  • Vienna Humanities Festival 2024 - Uncharted / Neuland

    The Vienna Humanities Festival once again invites renowned thinkers to come together in Vienna and reflect on the fears, hopes, and big questions of our time. Admission is free.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Wien


  • Symposium: Untold Narratives - Artists’ Archives and Estates

    Symposium as part of Vienna’s annual gallery festival Curated By. Curated and organized by Dr. Lisa Moravec and the Austrian Forum for Estates and Legacies of Fine Arts*. With the kind support of BMKöS and Bildrecht.


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room


  • Open Door Winter Semester 2024/25

    The Center for Doctoral Studies welcomes new and continuing doctoral students to an open door event in the winter semester 2024/25.

    Schillerplatz/ 201


  • Platz nehmen #3: Right of Passage - Wegerecht

    With a Communal Walking Experience by Hamish Fulton, a Lecture by the philosopher Jens Badura and contributuons of Fine Arts students
    curated by Miya Yoshida.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna


  • Research Day 2024 of the Academy

    The Research Day 2024 of the Academy presents the range of current research activities at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, gives insights into specific projects and their results, and encourages collegial discussions. The Research Day focuses on presentations of research projects in advanced stages.


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room


  • Final steps: Submission of your PhD thesis and thesis defense / Rigorosum

    How do I submit my dissertation or Ph.D. thesis? What exactly does revocation application mean in AkademieOnline? How does this relate to the planned publication of my dissertation thesis? Why can a plagiarism check before submission be advisable? How and when can I register for my defense or rigorosum?

    Coffee Table Talk

    Online via Zoom


  • Time-Organization and Self-Management for Doctoral Candidates

    Are you just starting or already writing your dissertation or PhD thesis, but also have other commitments (job, family, etc.) and want to live a little too? 


    Online via Zoom
