List of entries
Cathrin-Pichler-Prize 2018: Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
The Cathrin Pichler Prize, sponsored by the City of Vienna with 2,500 Euros, is awarded to the artist and author Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński for her work The Letter. The opening will be the occasion to present the first publication of the Cathrin Pichler Archive The Curator As..., edited by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein and Sabine Priglinger, Schlebrügge Verlag 2018.
Augasse 2–6
1090 Vienna
4. floor, C4.21.1Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Queering Religion
Vortrag von Mag. a Katharina Payk. Die Veranstaltung besteht aus einem Vortrag mit Diskussion und einem interaktiven Workshop-Teil.
Hauptgebäude/ H 4.39
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Screenings and discussion with Marwa Arsanios
The PhD in Practice welcomes you to one of their Fantastic Wednesday events where one of the candidates presents part of their artistic research to an open audience. Join us for screenings, performances, discussions, and an open bar.
Hauptgebäude/ A4.18.6
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Images and Independences
Screening of Festival Panafricain d’Alger by William Klein followed by a conversation between Habiba Djahnine and Viktoria Metschl. In the framework of the class The Cinema of 1968 by Christian Kravagna.
Hauptgebäude/ H 4.37
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Nikita Dhawan: The Non-Performativity of Protest Politics and the Erotics of Resistance
Lecture organized by the PhD in Practice Program | Renate Lorenz, Anette Baldauf
Hauptgebäude/ A4.18.6
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Didier Eribon: Gesellschaft als Urteil
Didier Eribon im Gespräch mit Andrea Seier und Jens Kastner. (In Englisch)
Diese Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien und der Universität Wien.
Augasse/ Aula, A1.4.10
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Xavier Le Roy | Scarlet Yu (Berlin)
Künstler_innengespräch im Rahmen von Verhältnisse | Methoden der „Appropriation Art“ (Kunst der Aneignung) als Prozesse des Verstehens, Beziehens und Distanzierens by Nathalie Koger.
Blickle Raum Spiegelgasse, Spiegelgasse 2, 5. Stock (DG), 1010 Wien
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Back and Forth by Ola Hassanain
Under the title Fantastic Wednesday the PhD in Practice Program opens its doors to the Academy, friends, and other interested people. One of the candidates shares their work with a larger audience and receives feedback through friendly conversation over drinks and nibbles.
Hauptgebäude/ A4.18.4.A
Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Manuel Pelmus (Bucharest) | Remediations
Artist talk in the framework of Verhältnisse | Methoden der „Appropriation Art“ (Kunst der Aneignung) als Prozesse des Verstehens, Beziehens und Distanzierens by Nathalie Koger.
Golden Pixel Cooperative in cooperation with the seminar History will Repeat Itself – Art of the 20th Century IV by Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Eintritt frei
Hauptgebäude/ H 4.37
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
The Formaldehyde Trip by Naomi Rincón Gallardo
Under the title Fantastic Wednesday the PhD in Practice Program opens its doors to the Academy, friends, and other interested people. One of the candidates shares their work with a larger audience and receives feedback through friendly conversation over drinks and nibbles.
Hauptgebäude/ A4.18.4.A
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Afro-Pessimism. Theorizing Anti-Blackness | Frank B. Wilderson III
Datum | 13.12.2017, 19.00 Uhr: Reparations… Now , Mumok, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
A cooperation between mumok, Department of Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna and the PhD-in-Practice at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Hauptgebäude/ A4.18.1
Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Hiding Behind Layers of Irony too Complex to Unmask
Gastvortrag von Ana Teixeira Pinto, unterrichtet an der Universität der Künste Berlin, forscht an der Leuphana University, Lüneburg. Moderation: Sabeth Buchmann und Christian Höller
Hauptgebäude/ H 4.37
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Guest Lecture by Jace Clayton
Introduction and moderation by Axel Stockburger
Organized by Diedrich Diederichsen, Theory, Practice and Communication of Contemporary Arts.
The lecture will be in English.Hauptgebäude/ H 4.37
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Aufzeichnungssysteme | Handzeichnung, Animation, Film, Installation
Vortrag von Peter Hauenschild, Grafiker und Medienkünstler, Kunstuniversität Linz.
Hauptgebäude/ H 4.37
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Stimme als Voice & Vote | Festtagung zu Ehren des 60. Geburtstages von Diedrich Diederichsen
Eine Veranstaltung des Instituts für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften im Rahmen der vienna art week 2017
Teilnehmer_innen: Sabeth Buchmann, Diedrich Diederichsen, Helmut Draxler, Isabelle Graw, Renée Green, Katharina Hausladen, Tom Holert, Christian Höller, Jens Kastner, Martin Prinzhorn, Constanze Ruhm, Ruth Sonderegger
Augasse/ Aula, A1.4.10
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
zur documenta in Athen und Kassel
Ausstellung und Projektpräsentationen des Master in Critical Studies.
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Augasse 2–6, 1090 Wien, 4.OG
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Experiential Media and the Transformation of Storytelling
Lecture by John V. Pavlik, Ph.D., Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, United States.
Hauptgebäude/ H 4.37
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
zur documenta in Athen und Kassel
Ausstellung und Projektpräsentationen des Master in Critical Studies.
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Augasse 2–6, 1090 Wien, 4.OG
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Museum as a Chronotope
Lecture/Workshop with Zeigam Azizov organized in the framework of the seminar Das Weltmuseum by Christian Kravagna.
Hauptgebäude/ B4.19.1
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Cinéma Utilitaire | Poems of love and combat, Algeria’s veiled International State
Lecture by Viktoria Metschl organized in the framework of the class African Cinema and Decolonization by Christian Kravagna.
Schillerplatz/ M20
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Lisa Nyberg | Unsettling: a guided meditation to the sea
Under the title Fantastic Wednesday the PhD in Practice opens its doors to the Academy, friends, and other interested people. Program participants present their work in progress and experiment with different formats of presentation.
Schillerplatz/ DG 12
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Sezgin Boynik | Heurism of Images: Learning through Cinematic Devices
21.06.2017, 19.00 h mumok kino: Sezgin Boynik
Erkennen und Verfolgen | Eine Veranstaltungsreihe zur Arbeit und Lehre Harun Farockis im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Theoretische Ansätze und Methoden. Konzipiert von Sabeth Buchmann, Constanze Ruhm und Jens Kastner. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem mumok kino (Naoko Kaltschmidt und Matthias Michalka).
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Spirited Affinities
Vortrag von Adrian Heathfield im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung Morphologie des Körpers und Raums (Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein).
Schillerplatz/ M20
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Über die Beziehung zwischen Kunst und Ökologie
Elisabeth von Samsonow im Gespräch mit Timothy Morton | Hyperobjects und Boyan Manchev | The spider and the Cloud or Preliminary Remarks on the Genealogy of Inhuman Techniques
Schillerplatz/ M20
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Epidemic Subjects - Radical Ontology
Ed.: Elisabeth von Samsonow (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien)
Book presentation
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Compared to What? Pop zwischen Normativität und Subversion
Tobias Gerber und Katharina Hausladen (Hg.)
Buchpräsentation und Talk
Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Psychoanalysis and Critique of Capitalism: From Freud to Lacan
Public Lecture von Samo Tomšič (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Moderation: Sami Khatib (American University of Beirut)Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Spell I : The path by Zosia Holubowska
Under the title Fantastic Friday the PhD in Practice opens its doors to the Academy, friends, and other interested people. Program participants present their work in progress and experiment with different formats of presentation.
Schillerplatz/ DG 12
Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Daniel Faust | Aesthetics of Quantity
Daniel Faust will present his work in the context of Andreas Spiegl’s lecture on Media Theories II that is focusing on the history of the example.
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
A presentation by Rafal Morusiewicz
Under the title Fantastic Wednesday the PhD in Practice opens its doors to the Academy, friends, and other interested people. Program participants present their work in progress and experiment with different formats of presentation.
Schillerplatz/ DG 12
Art Theory and Cultural Studies