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  • When salts attack historic buildings

    The Institute for Conservation-Restoration at the Open Day of the BMBWF

    Open Day

    Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
    Minoritenplatz 5
    1010 Vienna

    Conservation – Restoration

  • Augasse/ Entrance area/foyer

    Conservation – Restoration

    View of a large, bright studio room. On the right side a window front. There are some tables in the room on which students work.
  • Narratives. Contributions to the History of Conservation

    The symposium is a synopsis of different narrative strands about the beginnings of conservation in the field of tension between artistic, craft and scientific practices.


    Studio Building

    Conservation – Restoration

    A researcher conducts an interview with a conservator
  • Diploma presentations IKR

    The diploma presentations of the Institute of Conservation - Restoration are held in presence as well as in digital form (via Zoom) in German.

    Presentation (German)

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna

    Conservation – Restoration

    Person who is restorating a wooden mask on a big table
  • Open Studios at IKR

    On Wednesday 29/06/2022, the IKR will open the studios of all departments: Wall Painting & Architectural Surfaces, Paintings & Sculpture, Objects - Wood, Paper and Modern/Contemporary Art.

    Open Studios

    Augasse 2-6
    1090 Vienna
    Kern N

    Conservation – Restoration

    View of a studio room with people sitting at their tables and working on works with technical equipment
  • Restoration of animal preparations

    Lecture by Robert Illek, head of the taxidermy department of the Natural History Museum Vienna, in the context of the lecture series Material transports content.


    Online via Zoom

    Conservation – Restoration

    The picture shows a life-size model of a giraffe positioned at an angle while being worked on by a staff member. (Foto: Robert Illek)
  • Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022

    The full program can be viewed online at


    IKR, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna


    Flyer of the Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022 with Mask from papua new guinea
  • Painted Poison. Painting as ‘Pharmakon’.

    Lecture from Prof. Dr. Karin Leonhard, Art Science at the University of Konstanz as part of the lecture series Material transports content.

    The lecture will be held in german.


    Online via Zoom

    Conservation – Restoration

  • Pigments: Quality, Developments and Substitutes

    Lecture by Matthijs de Keijzer, conservation scientist in the Conservation and Restoration Department of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands in Amsterdam (in Pension)


    Online via Zoom

    Conservation – Restoration

    Blaues Pulver in Glasschale
  • Material transports content

    The lecture series Material transports content deals with the reception of material in all its levels of meaning.

    Lecture series

    Conservation – Restoration

  • (Not always) Under plaster: Medieval and modern masonry: source and bearer of significance in the history of building technology

    Mag. Dr. Thomas Kühtreiber, research associate at the Institute for Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit at the University of Salzburg

    Lecture by Mag. Dr. Thomas Kühtreiber

    Online via Zoom

    Conservation – Restoration

    City wall in Hainburg in Lower Austria: ashlar masonry with uneven surface
  • Die intarsierten Kölner Schränke aus dem 16. Jahrhundert

    Lecture by Dipl.Rest. in Bettina Lutzke, TH Cologne, within the lecture series Material transports content.

    Lecture will be held in German.


    Conservation – Restoration

    Lecture by Dipl.Rest.
 Bettina Lutzke, TH Cologne, within the lecture series
  Material transports content.

 Lecture will be held in German.

  • Screening copies and filmmakers in the restoration process - sources and quarrels

    Lecture by Julia Wallmüller , Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin, within the lecture series BEST AVAILABLE COPY II the preservation of time-based media ... keep it working . Concept by Carolin Bohlmann and Almut Schilling.

    Online via Zoom

    Conservation – Restoration

    Lecture by
  Julia Wallmüller
 , Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin, within the lecture series
    the preservation of time-based media ... keep it working
 Concept by Carolin Bohlmann and Almut Schilling.
  • Online Study Information Conservation and Restauration Diploma program

    Information, counselling and insights on study program, application and admission exam for the Diploma program in Scenography. Q&A session in German only.

    Meeting-ID: 399 381 1940

    Online via Zoom

    Conservation – Restoration

    Information, counselling and insights on study program, application and admission exam for the Diploma program in Scenography. Q&A session in German only.

 Meeting-ID: 399 381 1940
  • With deliberation and exuberance. Dealing with ephemeral materials - three examples from practice

    Lecture by Käthe Walser, Art in Space, Basel, within the lecture series BEST AVAILABLE COPY II the preservation of time-based media ... keep it working . Concept by Carolin Bohlmann and Almut Schilling.

    Online via Zoom

    Conservation – Restoration

    Lecture by Käthe   Walser, Art in   Space, Basel, within the lecture series
    the preservation of time-based media ... keep it working
 Concept by Carolin Bohlmann and Almut Schilling.
  • Female Artists and New Material

    Based on current restoration projects in the department of Conservation-Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art, the students have developed an ongoing presentation that deals with the works of various artists who worked closely with new materials and plastics, including Kiki Kogelnik, Birgit Jürgensen and Mária Bartuszová, Renate Bertlmann, Dorothée Golz.

    The beginning of the ongoing exhibition will open on October 14 th , 2021 and will be open to the public every subsequent Thursday from 3pm until 6pm.


    Augasse/ Foyer, 0.2.3

    Conservation – Restoration

    Based on current restoration projects in the department of Conservation-Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art, the students have developed an ongoing presentation that deals with the works of various artists who worked closely with new materials and plastics, including Kiki Kogelnik, Birgit Jürgensen and Mária Bartuszová, Renate Bertlmann, Dorothée Golz.

 The beginning of the ongoing exhibition will open on October 14
 , 2021 and will be open to the public every subsequent Thursday from 3pm until 6pm.
  • Open studios - European Days of Conservation-Restoration 2021

    On the occasion of the E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator - restoration organizations) initiated "4th European Days of Conservation-Restoration 2021" give restorers all over Europe an insight into their work.

    Augasse/ Foyer, 0.2.3

    Conservation – Restoration

    On the occasion of the E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator - restoration organizations) initiated "4th European Days of Conservation-Restoration 2021" give restorers all over Europe an insight into their work.
  • Rotting Sounds Symposium

    Rotting sounds is a cooperation between the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and is funded by the Austria science fund (FWF project AR445).

    mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern Platz 1, 1030 Wien

    Conservation – Restoration

    Rotting sounds
 is a cooperation  between the University of Music  and Performing Arts Vienna, the  University of Applied Arts Vienna and  the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna  and is funded by the Austria science  fund (FWF project AR445).
  • Open Studios & Diploma Lectures

    The Institute for Conservation and Restoration will open the studios of all departments on June 24 and 25.

    Diploma Lectures on June 24 from 9.30 am to 1 pm online via Zoom held in German.

    Open Studios


    Conservation – Restoration

    The Institute for Conservation and Restoration will open the studios of all departments on June 24 and 25.

 Diploma Lectures on June 24 from 9.30 am to 1 pm online via Zoom held in German.
  • Open Studios & Diploma Lectures

    The Institute for Conservation and Restoration will open the studios of all departments on June 24 and 25.

    Diploma Lectures on June 24 from 9.30 am to 1 pm online via Zoom held in German.

    Diploma Lectures (online)

    Conservation – Restoration

    The Institute for Conservation and Restoration will open the studios of all departments on June 24 and 25.

 Diploma Lectures on June 24 from 9.30 am to 1 pm online via Zoom held in German.
  • In/Stable Relations - Time-based Art and their Environments

    Lecture by Moritz Wehrmann, Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the context of the lecture series SoSe21 of the Institute for Conservation-Restoration, conceived by Carolin Bohlmann and Almut Schilling.



    Conservation – Restoration

    Lecture by Moritz Wehrmann, Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the context of the lecture series SoSe21 of the Institute for Conservation-Restoration, conceived by Carolin Bohlmann and Almut Schilling.

  • Diplomvorträge

    Aufgrund der aktuellen Pandemie-Entwicklung kann an den Diplomvorträgen ausschließlich online teilgenommen werden. - Der ZOOM-Link wird auf Anfrage verschickt:


    Conservation – Restoration

    Aufgrund der aktuellen Pandemie-Entwicklung kann an den Diplomvorträgen  ausschließlich online teilgenommen werden. - Der ZOOM-Link wird auf  Anfrage verschickt:
  • Tagung zu Bioziden und kontaminierten Sammlungen | Analysen - Schutz – Praxisbeispiele – Erfahrungsaustausch

    Die IPM-Arbeitsgruppe von ICOM organisiert in Kooperation mit dem Österreichischen Restauratoren Verband (ÖRV) und dem Institut für Konservierung-Restaurierung eine internationale Tagung zu Bioziden und kontaminierten Sammlungen.

    Täglich 8.30 h – 17.00 h

    Augasse/ Aula, A1.4.10

    Conservation – Restoration

    Die IPM-Arbeitsgruppe von ICOM organisiert in Kooperation mit dem  Österreichischen Restauratoren Verband (ÖRV) und dem Institut für  Konservierung-Restaurierung  eine internationale Tagung zu Bioziden und kontaminierten Sammlungen.

 Täglich 8.30 h – 17.00 h
  • Führung durch die IKR-Studios anlässlich des Europäischen Tags der Restaurierung

    Anläßlich des 2. von E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator - Restorers` Organisations) initiierten Europäischen Tags der Restaurierung gewähren europaweit Restaurator_innen an diesem Sonntag exklusive Einblicke in ihre Arbeit.

    Augasse/ Eingangsbereich/Foyer

    Conservation – Restoration

    Anläßlich des 2. von E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator -   Restorers` Organisations) initiierten Europäischen Tags der   Restaurierung gewähren europaweit Restaurator_innen an diesem Sonntag   exklusive Einblicke in ihre Arbeit.
  • Diplomvorträge und offene Studios

    Das IKR öffnet aus Anlass der Diplompräsentation die Studios aller Fachbereiche.

    Augasse/ Aula, A1.4.10, Augasse/ Foyer, 0.2.3

    Conservation – Restoration

    Das IKR öffnet aus Anlass der Diplompräsentation die Studios aller Fachbereiche.
  • Late antique mosaic technique

    Lecture by Peter Berzobohaty, Tirol, organized by the Institute for Conservation and Restoration and the Austrian Restorers Association (ÖRV). (German language)

    Augasse/ M08.B

    Conservation – Restoration

    Lecture by Peter Berzobohaty, Tirol, organized by the Institute for Conservation and Restoration and the Austrian Restorers Association (ÖRV). (German language)
  • Byzantinische Wandmalereitradition

    Vorträge und Diskussionen von und mit Dr. Maria Dumbravičian (Nationale Universität der Künste Bukarest) und Gülseren Dikilitaș (Universität Istanbul) im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe zu historischen Techniken der Wandmalerei und Architekturoberfläche: Materialien, Technologie und Erhaltung.

    Augasse/ M08.B

    Conservation – Restoration

  • Neue Künstlerpigmente im 21. Jahrhundert

    Gastvortrag von Matthijs de Keijzer, Wien, organisiert durch das Institut für Konservierung-Restaurierung und den Österreichischen Restauratorenverband (ÖRV). Der Vortrag wird in der deutschen Sprache gehalten.

    Augasse/ Aula, A1.4.10

    Conservation – Restoration

    Gastvortrag von Matthijs de Keijzer, Wien, organisiert durch das  Institut für Konservierung-Restaurierung und den Österreichischen  Restauratorenverband (ÖRV). Der Vortrag wird in der deutschen Sprache gehalten.
  • Erster europäischer Tag der Restaurierung

    Europaweit geben Restaurator_innen an diesem Sonntag exklusive Einblicke in ihre Arbeitsplätze.

    Augasse/ Foyer, 0.2.3

    Conservation – Restoration

    Europaweit geben Restaurator_innen an diesem Sonntag exklusive Einblicke in ihre Arbeitsplätze.
  • Augasse/ Aula, A1.4.10

    Conservation – Restoration