List of entries
KI Care Café - networking, exchanging ideas, thinking ahead
Organised by Matgorzata Oliwa and Helena Schmidt, with experts Franziska Thurner und Andreas Ferus.
Info Event
Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)
Education in the Arts
Students and teachers of the Institute for Education in the Arts and students from different Viennese schools meet regularly to read texts* together.
Community Event
University library
Branch IKL, 4th floor
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
1070 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Digital visualities in art education
Book presentation and expert discussion on Helena Schmidt: Poor images? Digital visualities in art education (Bielefeld: transcript 2024)
Book presentation and discussion
Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
Breite Gasse 3
1070 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Students and teachers of the Institute for Education in the Arts and students from different Viennese schools meet regularly to read texts* together.
Community Event
University library
Branch IKL, 4th floor
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
1070 ViennaEducation in the Arts
textile healing - resistant threads. feminist interventions on femicides
a workshop organized by the institute for education in the arts, in cooperation with the coordination office for the advancement of women | gender studies | diversity, as part of the campaign 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.
lecture workshop with gossip
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 2.01
Education in the Arts
KI Care Café - networking, exchanging ideas, thinking ahead
Organised by Matgorzata Oliwa and Helena Schmidt, with experts Franziska Thurner und Andreas Ferus.
Info Event
Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)
Education in the Arts
Students and teachers of the Institute for Education in the Arts and students from different Viennese schools meet regularly to read texts* together.
Community Event
University library
Branch IKL, 4th floor
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
1070 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Beads and all things pretty: African Fashion, a case of onyoka beads
Lecture and Workshop by Maria Caley and Loini Iizyenda (University of Namibia – UNAM). Organized by the Institute for Education in the Arts, Fashion and Styles.
Lecture and Workshop
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
1070 Vienna
Room 4.11Education in the Arts
Drawing Otherwise. Imagining Architectures, Sites, Places, Infrastructures and Landscapes.
In order to build the world otherwise we need to learn how to draw otherwise. In order to draw otherwise we need to learn how to imagine otherwise. The symposium DRAWING OTHERWISE imagines architectures, sites, places, infrastructures and landscapes by un/doing, un/learning, un/seeing and un/drawing against and beyond existing conditions and wants to explore other possible futures of living together. Bringing together practitioners, theorists and scholars from architecture, visual culture, and art education the symposium explores the potential of articulating imaginaries based on solidarity, reciprocity, generosity, and empathy.
Schillerplatz/ Conference room
Education in the Arts
Hofstetter Kurt: On the event horizon of a new art form
Guest lecture as part of the course Textile Design Processes and Printing Techniques by Ulli Nöbauer.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 1.06
Education in the Arts
KI Care Café - networking, exchanging ideas, thinking ahead
Organised by Matgorzata Oliwa and Helena Schmidt, with experts Franziska Thurner und Andreas Ferus.
Info Event
Schillerplatz/ University Library (Reading room, M7)
Education in the Arts
Book presentation: Feminist Infrastructural Critique
An event organized by the Art and Education program, Institute for Education in the Arts.
Book presentation
Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
Breite Gasse 3
1070 ViennaEducation in the Arts
fighting fascism through fashion. hacking white supremacy
A workshop by the Austrian Center for Fashion Research in collaboration with “fashion and the far right. the new complexity in style” at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held.
On location and Online
Education in the Arts
A...nfangen – Info event for BA teaching studies GK & KB
For all first-year BA students in the art education programs "Design in Context" and "Art and Education".
Study information
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Digital Memory – Digital History. Is the future of memory digital?
Book presentation and panel discussion on the volume Erinnerungskultur und Holocaust Education im digitalen Wandel. Georeferenzierte Dokumentations-, Erinnerungs- und Vermittlungsprojekte, edited by Victoria Kumar, Gerald Lamprecht, Lukas Nievoll, Grit Oelschlegel and Sebastian Stoff.
Book presentation and panel discussion
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Empowering Hands: Creating N’wana Figures, Creating Ourselves
Workshop by Kimberly Bediako, Tinyiko Baloyi, and Dr. Khaya Mchunu, organized by Fashion and Styles, IKL.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 2.11
Education in the Arts
[feast of conversations] re/vision re/vision fashion_feminist pleasure and radical knowledge
International get-together, organized by Fashions & Styles, Institute for Education in the Arts.
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
Aktsaal, Room 05aEducation in the Arts
Workshop: Wardrobe Stories
A workshop with Christina H. Moon, organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held, Fashions & Styles (Institute for Education in the Arts).
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 2.11
Education in the Arts
Embedded knowledge, Plural histories, and Fashion democratization: A social justice fashion-based approach
A lecture by Fashion and Styles, Institute for Education in the Arts, organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 1.06
Education in the Arts
“Ma’m, what kind of porn do you watch?” - Dealing with students’ sexual comments
Teachers often find personal questions and sexual comments from students a challenge. In this panel, organized by the Institute for Education in the Arts, professional interpretations and options how to (re)act in the school context will be discussed.
Panel Talk
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
On Fashion's Transnational Inequalities: Reflections on exploitative industry and the biases of scholarship
Lecture by Anna-Mari Almila organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held, studio for Fashions and Styles.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
1070 Wien
2.01 ModewerkstattEducation in the Arts
Lecture: An approach to feminist visual poetics in Argentina
The lecture by the Department of Art and Education offers an insight into the work of artists and activists in Argentina who have challenged social and political norms through art.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
1070 Vienna
3rd Floor
Room 3.12Education in the Arts
The (im)possibility of a Black anti-capitalist fashion label
Lecture by Anna Menecia Antenete Hambira organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held, studio for Fashions and Styles.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 2.01
Education in the Arts
MA Study Info Evening
For Bachelor and Master Students with focus on study structure.
Study information
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Flirting with Fascism – and Other Fashion Scandals
An event of the studio for Fashion and Styles at the Institute for Education in the Arts.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 2.11
Education in the Arts
Looking at the Home
Event on the occasion of the book presentation: Irene Nierhaus / Kathrin Heinz (Hg.) Ästhetische Ordnungen und Politiken des Wohnens – Häusliches und Domestisches in der visuellen Moderne, transcript Verlag 2023, Schriftenreihe wohnen+/-ausstellen, Band 9
Book Presentation
Schillerplatz/ Anatomy Hall
Education in the Arts
The Art of Contradiction: Digital Aesthetics beyond the White Gaze
Lecture by Ciani-Sophia Hoeder organized by the studio for Fashion and Styles at the Institute for Education in the Arts.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3
1070 Vienna
2.03Education in the Arts
Feminist Night Scapes
A collective walk with Clauda Lomoschitz, Sophie Lingg, and Elke Krasny.
Meeting point in front of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Schillerplatz 3
1010 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Helena Mattsson - Architecture and Retrenchment
In this lecture, Helena Mattssoon, presents her research for Architecture and Retrenchment. This book explores the ‘neoliberal turn’ in architecture, through the rise and fall of the Swedish welfare state.
Schillerplatz/ Anatomy Hall
Education in the Arts