Photo Laboratory
Established in 1984, the Photo Laboratory represents the competence center for photographic technologies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. Since 2003, it has been located in the Studio Building (Atelierhaus) of the Academy, and it consists of a digital studio, two darkrooms and a photography studio.
The Laboratory is committed to photography as a cultural technology in all its manifestations. This is reflected by the curriculum as well as in our extracurricular projects and project participations. Although the Photo Laboratory is part of the Institute of Fine Arts, it is not assigned to any of the Studios, which is in line with contemporary inter-medial and trans-medial artistic practice. Apart from our highly qualified staff, we have the facilities and state-of-the-art equipment - both analog and digital - required for professional work and the realization of research projects in various fields of interest.
Information on current and recent projects, on our facilities and working procedures as well as about the equipment available can be found at
- Name
- Doz. Mag. Thomas Freiler
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 6130
- Name
- Mag. Magdalena Blaszczuk
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 6131
- Name
- MA (RCA) Gerd Hasler
- Phone
- + 43 (1) 58816 - 6132
Abigail Karolina Marcillo Villagomez
Studentische_r Mitarbeiter_in