Bureau Veritas | Grafik trifft A WORKING CLASS
A project in the context of the focus Academy | Art | Public Sphere at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Encompassing collaborative exhibitions, studio meetings and participative workshops the project serves as a preheader reintroducing the Academy back to Schillerplatz.
The five departments on the move (drawing, performance art, contextual painting, figurative painting and abstract painting) were invited to collaboratively create weekly exhibitions accompanied by activities such as lectures, performances and more.
3.5. - 9.5. Bureau Veritas – Laboratory
The container as a workshop:
Exploring the possibilities of screen printing as a medium 12 students from the course "Project based studies 2" (Ines Hochgerner) create prints in small groups on site reflecting on their surroundings and artistic practices. The collaborative result documents that process and will be shown at the end of the week.

Opening: Friday, May 7th, 10 - 18h
DIY Printing: print on any textile or paper that you bring
Participating artists:
Gregor Beiwl | Antonia Kasik | Emilia Lichtenwagner | Nassim L'Ghoul | Leonie Pirker | Moritz Plattner | Rita Sammer | Julien Segarra | Marina Stankovic | Hella Stoletzki | Lars Unkenholz | Drusilla Wytzander
10.5. - 16.5. Graphic meets: Contextual painting

Installation & Performances
Paintings, objects, storage, shelf, collection, art, archive – an installation. Finally presented, but not shown.
The container meets the arts in the common motifs of storing, preserving and not-showing. In the work as a whole, the single author steps back, the individual artwork becomes a background, seems to be misused and contextualized.
Performance Program:
Wednesday - Opening
3 pm Performance TÆIL_es
Mudesto F and Michael Feichtenberger
7 pm Performance Himmelblau Ballett
Alexandru Cosarca with Valerie Hofeld, Lia Quirina
5 pm - 7.15 pm Performance Em’s Place - Corona Edition
Em Schwarzwald (3 Slots register at: em@kussembargo.com )
7 pm Performance They hate to see a girlboss winning
Aaron/ Nora Scherer and Noah Name
3 pm Performance TÆIL_es
Mudesto F and Michael Feichtenberger
5.30 pm Reading
Marie Luise Lehner
6.30 pm Music Performance
Roy Culbertson
Aaron/Nora Scherer | Aklima Iqbal | Alexandra Feusi | Alexandru Cosarca | Ali Zare | Clara Fridolin Biller | Claudia Mia | Em Schwarzwald | Gloria Bergner | Hasti Tabatabaei | Helga Em Schwarzwald | Lars Unkenholz | Lia Quirina | Lisa Braid | Lisa Glawischnig | Manuela Picallo Gil | Marian_ne Eberl | Marie Luise Lehner | Maryam Radmehr | Michael Feichtenberger | Mudesto F | Nassim L'Ghoul | Noah Name | Roy Culbertson | Sattva Giacosa | Sarah Tasha Hauber | Valerie Holfeld | William Metin Martin | Yumo 09
Instagram: @grafikklasseakbild @contextualpainting
17.5. - 22.5. Graphic meets: Abstract painting

3 shows, 3 converstations, 7 students, 1 week. The collaborative exhibition KW20 pairs up students from the studio of graphics & printmaking with the studio of abstract painitng. They organized 3 dialogical shows. On the day of each exhibition an artist talk will take place at 5 pm.
Monday17.5.: Set up, Binta Giallo & Gregor Beiwl
Tuesday 18.5.: Show, 5pm in conversation with Ines Hochgerner
Wednesday 19.5.: Set up KATER D. & Kiki Furlan
Thursday 20.5.: Show, 5pm in conversation with Manisha Jothady- Haller
Friday 21.5.: Set up, Florian Genzken, Sven Jirka & Gloria Pagliani
Saturday 22.5.: Show, 5pm in conversation with Luisa Kasalicky
Binta Giallo | Florian Genzken | Gloria Pagliani | Gregor Beiwl | KATER D. | Kiki Furlan | Sven Jirka
24.5. - 30.5. Graphic meets: Drawing

In the last week of May students from the graphic department meet stu- dents from the drawing department at Bureau Veritas. Works: on the container, in the container, around the container, near the container, above, across, hanging, laying, leaning.
Artists: Leonard Alberti, Sophia Davislim, Christoph Kaltseis, Emilia Lichtenwagner, Hannah Parth, Dmitrij Ritter, Nico Schleicher, Elisa Schober, Marina Stanković
1.6. - 4.6. Graphic meets: Performance art

Wednesday 2.6.: Soft Opening ‘Sturzplatz’ (Nora Köhler & Susanne Schlögl), 5:30pm
Out of the Box , a collaborative exhibition, where the studio of graphic & printmaking meets the studio of performance.
We turn the container inside out, out of the box we go, to reach your subconscious and let you draw, print, combine, bind, blow your mind! All day workshop, arty goodies, performance, mysterious boxes and more.
Artists: Orania Geranium, Samira Homayouni, Nana Kaiser, Nora Köhler & Susanne Schlögl, Obsolet Studio, Esther Stern
7.6. - 13.6. Graphic meets: figurative painting

In the 6th week of the container project on Schillerplatz, students of the Graphic & Printmaking studio and the Figurative Painting studio will use the container as their research base.
From Monday to Friday they will playfully research the space using painting, drawing and print in a self-organized workshop. The works will be shown and related to each other on Friday.
Finissage: Freitag, 11.6., 14 - 20h
19h Nino Svireli presents: Philip Hochmair “Schiller Rave”
Artists: Olesia Bieliavtseva, Alberto Cappai, Sigmund Hutter, Max Mucha, Lisa Obereder, Jeremias Rumpl, Marc Truckenbrodt
15.6. - 18.6. Group exhibition

Money Maker/Studio Obsolet Do & Fr 17–19h
Finissage: Friday, June 18., 4–8pm
4pm: Lisa Obereder unplugged
In the 7th and final week of BureauVeritas the Graphic and Printmaking Studio takes over the Container.
Over the last weeks students researched, rehearsed and worked together,so the Graphic Studio will leave their marks, drawings as conclusion again in a collective action.
Around the Container Students show recent prints, Studio Obsolet invites to their participatory performance Money Maker.
Works from former weeks by Nico Scheicher, Hanna Parth and Elisa Schober are displayed as well as a wallpaintings that emerged from the collaboration with the Figurative Painting Studio.