OUT NOW: Spaces for Sex Education in Teacher Training
Marion Thuswald
Spaces for Sex Education in Teacher Training. Spechlessness, Desire, Vulnerability and Emancipation as Challenges facing Pedagogical Professionalisation
Since its introduction in 1970, the interdisciplinary teaching principle sex education applies to all grades and types of schools in Austria. How are teachers prepared for the challenges of sex education in school? What role do sex positive approaches, sexual diversity, violence prevention and antidiscrimination play in the process? In a sociographic study, Marion Thuswald examines sex education in teacher training at university colleges, universities and specialized institutions in Austria. Based on critical analyses of didactic practices, she formulates challenges and explores possibilities for emancipatory oriented sex education.
The book is available in print and open access: https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-5977-1/sexuelle-bildung-ermoeglichen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839459775
The publication was supported by FWF und the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.