FWF | International Collaboration – Taiwan
- Deadline: 22.1.2025, 14 h
In cooperation with the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan, the FWF offers funding for collaborations between researchers in Austria and Taiwan. Bilateral calls in cooperation with NSTC give researchers the opportunity to apply for international Principal Investigator Projects. > more
Architekturzentrum Wien | Call for Films: Architektur.Film.Sommer 2025
The 13th edition of the international open air architecture film festival in the courtyard of the Architekturzentrum Wien in August 2025 has the title “Suburbia. From American Dream to Peak Oil”. > more
Rudolf Sallinger Fonds | Science&Business Award 2025
With the S&B Award, the Rudolf Sallinger Fund honours early-stage commercialisation ideas that are based on a research project. > more
STRABAG Kunstforum | Artaward International
The STRABAG Artaward has been awarded in Austria since 1994 and internationally since 2009 as an art promotion prize for artists up to the age of 40 in the fields of painting and drawing. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Scholarship Early Postdoc Applications 2025
- Deadline: 28.1.2025, 11 h
The Scholarship for Early Post Doc Applications aims to support early postdocs in the application for their initial postdoctoral research project. This scholarship enables the intensive preparation of a project proposal, which will be submitted with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as the home institution to funding agencies like FWF (ESPRIT funding program) or OeAW (APART GSK funding program) in the end. This call is open to all postdocs. > more
REINFORCING | Booster Call
- Deadline: 30.1.2025, 17 h
Funding from the European ‘REINFORCING’ project supports organisations to experiment with open science approaches around the topic of ‘responsible digitalisation’ and implement measures to open up their research and innovation processes and align them with societal needs and expectations. > more
Blue Europe | “Denis de Rougement” contest 2024-2025
- Call for Contributions: 31.1.2025
Blue Europe, a think tank focused on fostering connections between Western, Central and Eastern Europe, is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 “Denis de Rougemont” contest. > more
Spotlight | Young talent competition spotlight STUDENTS
The 28th Festival for Moving Image Communication will take place from March 27 - 28, 2025 in Stuttgart. spotlight STUDENTS is the name of the competition for spots and formats of moving image communication produced by film students, submitted by film students, etc. > more
Society for Artistic Research | RC Prize 2024
The Executive Board of SAR announces the opportunity to nominate candidates to the Annual Prize for Excellent Research Catalogue Exposition 2024. The prize aims to foster and encourage innovative, experimental new formats of publication and, on the other hand, to give visibility to the qualities of artistic research artefacts. > more
Horizon Europe | MSCA Staff Exchanges
MSCA Staff Exchanges promotes the exchange of personnel between organisations in different countries, scientific disciplines and/or economic sectors (e.g. between universities and companies) and thus supports the successful transfer of knowledge between different parties within and outside Europe. > more
ÖAW | L’ORÉAL Austria
L’ORÉAL Austria, in collaboration with the Austrian UNESCO Commission and in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences awards fellowships for female basic researchers in the fields of medicine, the natural sciences or mathematics. For the funding, continuation or development of projects in Austria. > more
Erasmus+ | Capacity building in higher Education
The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education. The activities and outcomes of CBHE projects must be geared to benefit the eligible third countries not associated to the Programme, their higher education institutions and systems. > more
Technisches Museum Wien | SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE Research project “Colonial Infrastructures”
The Scholar-in-Residence program at the Technisches Museum Wien enables a researcher to spend two to three months at the Technisches Museum Wien. > more
Creative Europe | Circulation of European literary works
- Deadline: 11.2.2025, 17 h
Publishers and cultural organisations active in the publishing sector can apply for co-financing for the translation, printing, distribution and promotion of European literature. The aim of the funding is to strengthen the transnational dissemination and diversity of European literary works. > more
FWF | #Connecting Minds
- Deadline: 13.2.2025, 14 h
With the #ConnectingMinds program, the Austrian Science Fund FWF encourages researchers to involve non-academic stakeholders in their research projects. Funding is available to teams that combine both academic and social knowledge and are applying them to help tackle social, technological, ecological, and economic challenges. > more
BMKOES | Film art scholarship abroad 2025
The call of the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport is aimed at artists already working professionally in the field of film and whose work is characterized by an experimental orientation and an innovative character. > more
Verein forum n | Arts of Change - Change of Arts
Since March 2020, the participatory coaching and support program Arts of Change - Change of Arts of the forum n association has been offering art and music students the opportunity to engage intensively with the topics of art, sustainability and transformation over a period of nine months. > more
OeAD | Africa-UniNet 5th Call
Africa-UniNet aims to facilitate and strengthen existing and new inter- and transdisciplinary research cooperation between Austria and African countries. Africa-UniNet promotes excellent research based on the mutual exchange of knowledge. This call is only open to internal academy researchers, as the cooperative research projects will run through the institution. > more
OeAD | Cooperation Development Research 5th Call
Cooperation Development Research is a funding programme financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and implemented by the OeAD to support scientifically excellent cooperation development research projects. > more
Society for Artistic Research | ECHO #7 - Speculative Sound Synthesis
- Call for Contributions: 28.2.2025
The online journal ECHO invites submissions for its upcoming seventh issue on "Speculative Sound Synthesis," edited by David Pirrò, and Leonie Strecker. ECHO is the online publication of the Music, Thought and Technology research group at Orpheus Instituut, Ghent. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Lectureship program for doctoral students 2025/26
- Deadline: 12.3.2025, 11 h
The program addresses all doctoral students whose dissertation stage is advanced and who aspire to a career as a university lecturer. > more
BMBWF | Ars Docendi State prize for Excellent Teaching
The BMBWF has been awarding the Ars Docendi State Prize for Excellent Teaching since 2013. This is intended to recognize the achievements of teachers at Austria's universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education in particular. > more
Horizon Europe | ERC Proof of Concept Grants
- Deadline: 13.3.2025, 17 h
The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research. > more
University of Basel | SAGS Konferenz 2025
- Call for Contributions: 15.3.2025
The 8th conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS) will take place at the University of Basel. It invites contributions from the field of gender studies around the conference theme "wissen – savoir – sapere – know(-ledges)". > more
Open Call of the Academy | Graduate Conference 2025
- Deadline: 25.3.2025, 11 h
The Graduate Conference 2025 aims to enahnce the discussion of dissertation and PhD projects at the Academy of Fine Arts and will take place on May 15. We are looking forward to your applications until March 25, 2025, via our submission platform. > more
FWF | netidee SCIENCE
- Deadline: 25.3.2025, 14 h
The objective behind netidee SCIENCE, funded by the Internet Foundation, is to support independent basic research on the opportunities and challenges presented by the internet and related innovations at Austria's universities and non-university research institutions. > more
APART-GSK is a funding programme for excellent junior scholars in the humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase of their careers. > more
FWF | International Collaboration France
In cooperation with the French National Research Agency (ANR), the FWF offers funding for closely integrated project collaborations between researchers in Austria and France. > more
Theodor Körner Fonds | Theodor Körner Prize 2025
The Theodor Körner Fund has set itself the goal of promoting young scientists and artists. > more
FWF | Emerging Fields
The Emerging Fields program is aimed at teams of outstanding researchers doing pioneering work in basic research who are prepared to depart from established approaches. It gives researchers the opportunity to pursue particularly innovative, original, or high-risk ideas. The program focuses on funding research that has the potential to trigger a paradigm shift in its field. > more
Horizon Europe | Teaming for Excellence
- Deadline: 10.4.2025, 17 h
Disparities in R&I performance are due to, among other reasons, the insufficient critical mass of science and lack of centres of excellence having sufficient competence to engage countries and regions strategically in a path of innovative growth. Teaming is responding to this challenge establishing new centres of excellence or modernising existing ones with the help of leading EU or AC partnering institutions. > more
Fashion Theory | "Fascion – The Far-Right’s Weaponization of Style"
We would like to draw your attention to a Call for Abstracts for an upcoming special issue of Fashion Theory on the topic "Fashion – The Far-Right’s Weaponization of Style." > more
CERV | Citizens’ engagement and participation
- Deadline: 29.4.2025, 17 h
The objective of this call is to promote citizens' and representative associations’ participation in and contribution to the democratic and civic life of the Union by making known and publicly exchanging their views in all areas of Union action. > more
Vienna Business Agency | Understanding Science Funding
With its Understanding Science funding, the Vienna Business Agency supports communication measures to make the results of research and science understandable and easily accessible. > more
Creative Europe | European Cooperation Projects
The Creative Europe programme supports transnational cooperation projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors from different countries taking part in the programme. It covers the EU and beyond. > more
Aws | Proof of Concept Grants
- Submissions continuously accepted
The funding measure supports researchers in systematically reviewing their research results and opening up potential areas of application in order to accelerate the transfer of knowledge and technology from publicly funded research and development. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Grant for Open-Access-Publication Costs of the Academy
- Submissions accepted continuously
The Academy's Open Access Publication Grant is intended to support Gold Open Access of academic publications that are the result of research activities at the Academy or are not covered by externally funded projects at the Academy. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Going Book: Grant for Publication Costs
- Submissions accepted continuously
The publication cost grant is intended to support the realisation of excellent publications. The prerequisite for funding is that it is a quality-assured (peer-reviewed) publication. > more
Open Call of the Academy | FWF Open-Access Block Grant
- Submissions accepted continuously
The call is aimed at project participants of FWF-funded projects affiliated with the research institution Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. > more
Journal of Embodied Research | Open Call for Video Articles
- Call for Contributions permanently open
JER invites the submission of video articles on a rolling basis. These can focus on any topic related to embodied practice, embodied knowledge, or embodied research. > more
Open Gender Journal | Call for Papers
- Call for Contributions permanently open
The editors of the Open Gender Journal are pleased about the submission of papers from all disciplines with a gender reference / focus. > more
Humboldt Research Fellowship | Postdoctoral Research in Germany
- Submissions accepted continuously
A Humboldt Research Fellowship for international postdoctoral researchers allows to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. > more
FWF | Book Publications
- Submissions accepted continuously
This program funds the publication and simultaneous open-access publication of books on research findings. > more
FWF | Stand-Alone Projects
- Submissions accepted continuously
Researchers of any discipline who are working in Austria are eligible for applying to a FWF Stand Alone Project. The aim is to provide funding for individual research in the area of non-profit oriented scholarly/scientific research. > more
FWF | Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships including a return phase
- Submissions accepted continuously
The Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships are intended for young and highly qualified scientists of any discipline and seek to enable young scholars to gain experience abroad during the postdoc-phase. > more
FWF | Esprit
- Submissions accepted continuously
The ESPRIT Programme (Early Stage Programme: Research, Innovation and Training) is addressed to highly qualified postdocs from all disciplines at the beginning of their academic career who wish to carry out an independent research project at an Austrian research institute. > more
- Submissions accepted continuously
The aim of PEEK (Programme for Arts-based Research) is to fund clearly defined research proposals of high artistic and academic quality at an international level in the field of arts-based research. > more
FWF | Principal Investigator Projects International
- Submissions continuously accepted
The funding program provides principal investigators and their research groups with the resources they need to work together with international project partners to investigate key research questions over a period of several years. > more
Dear doctoral candidates,
we hope you had a good start to the new year.
First of all, we cordially congratulate this year's fellows of the Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Adam Hudec, Ruth Jenrbekova, Claudia Sandoval Romero, and Bahareh Zamani Hargalani. The Dissertation Completion Fellowship aims to support doctoral candidates in the last phase of their dissertation.
In the following, we would like to inform you about current opportunities and events for doctoral and PhD candidates.
Our ongoing calls for grants and stipends include travel allowances, the scholarship for short-term stays abroad, and the Learning-on-the-Job scholarship.
We would like to remind you of the nearing submission deadline (January 28) of the call for Early Post Doc Applications 2025 of the Academy. The scholarship supports postdocs in the initial phase of an application for their postdoctoral research project. In case you are interested but not ready to apply yet, there will be future calls.
Applications for the Marietta Blau-Grant of the OeAD can be submitted until February 1. This grant offers financial support for six- to twelve-month study periods abroad that serve to optimise the dissertation.
You can also still apply for the Lectureship program for doctoral students 2025/26 of the Academy until March 12. The program addresses all doctoral students whose dissertation stage is advanced and who aspire to a career as a university lecturer.
The call for submissions for the Graduate Conference 2025 is now open. The conference will be held on May 15 and aims at a stronger visibility of doctoral candidates at the Academy and seeks to increase exchange and networking possibilities. We look forward to your submissions (deadline March 25, 2025).
As always, you can find our workshop and event program here.
You can find other funding opportunities for doctoral and PhD candidates below.
If you would like to be featured on the Academy website with your doctoral or PhD project, please submit your documents and information via this call (possible only with approved Dissertation Agreement).
If you have questions related to your doctoral or PhD studies, please check out these FAQs or contact us by email at doktoratszentrum@akbild.ac.at.
We wish you a successful conclusion of the semester and a nice winter time.
Online information meeting for enrollment in the Doctor of Philosophy SoSe 2025
We cordially invite those interested in the Doctor of Philosophy program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna to attend this online appointment to learn about enrollment requirements and procedures. > more
Open Door Summer Semester 2025
The Center for Doctoral Studies welcomes new and continuing doctoral students to an open door event in the summer semester 2025. > more
OeAW | DOC application writing (SuSe 2025)
- Coffee Table Talk: 28.4.2025, 13–16 h
The Center for Doctoral Studies invites all doctoral candidates of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna to participate in an informative meeting about the preparation of an ÖAW DOC application. > more
Graduate Conference 2025
- Conference: 15.5.2025, 9:30 h
On May 15 doctoral and PhD candidates in their final phase will present results of their dissertation projects. The Graduate Conference aims at a stronger visibility and integration of doctoral candidates at the Academy of Fine Arts and seeks to increase exchange and networking possibilities among the doctoral candidates as well as researchers and artists of the Academy. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Scholarship Early Postdoc Applications 2025
- Deadline: 28.1.2025, 11 h
The Scholarship for Early Post Doc Applications aims to support early postdocs in the application for their initial postdoctoral research project. This scholarship enables the intensive preparation of a project proposal, which will be submitted with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as the home institution to funding agencies like FWF (ESPRIT funding program) or OeAW (APART GSK funding program) in the end. This call is open to all postdocs. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Lectureship program for doctoral students 2025/26
- Deadline: 12.3.2025, 11 h
The program addresses all doctoral students whose dissertation stage is advanced and who aspire to a career as a university lecturer. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Graduate Conference 2025
- Deadline: 25.3.2025, 11 h
The Graduate Conference 2025 aims to enahnce the discussion of dissertation and PhD projects at the Academy of Fine Arts and will take place on May 15. We are looking forward to your applications until March 25, 2025, via our submission platform. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Learning-on-the-Job grant
- Submissions accepted continuously
The Learning-on-the-Job scholarship offers dissertation supervisors the opportunity to apply for a scholarship for doctoral/Ph.D. candidates. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Short term grants abroad
- Submissions accepted continuously
The scholarship for a short-term stay abroad for doctoral/Ph.D. candidates supports stays abroad for e.g. research, field research, archival research, interviews, which are necessary for the dissertation or the Ph.D. project. Stays abroad are funded for a minimum of two to a maximum of eight weeks. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Travel Allowances for doctoral resp. Ph.D. candidates at the Academy
- Submissions accepted continuously
Regular students of all doctoral studies and the Ph.D.-in-Practice-Program of the Academy can apply for travel allowances for participations in international conferences as well as for the presentation of art projects. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Dissertation projects on the Academy's website
- Submissions accepted continuously
We would like to give doctoral and PhD candidates and their dissertation projects space on the Academy website and present information about them in a separate section of the Center for Doctoral Studies. We, therefore, ask all doctoral and PhD candidates with an approved dissertation agreement who would like to be visible as doctoral or PhD candidates on the Academy website to fill out the application form and upload the required documents. > more
EU ERASMUS+ | Semester abroad
- Submissions accepted continuously
Doctoral and Ph.D. candidates of the Academy of Fine Arts have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad at a partner university within the framework of Erasmus+. > more
EU ERASMUS+ | Short-term stay abroad
- Submissions accepted continuously
In order to better meet the different learning and training needs of doctoral students and to ensure equal opportunities, doctoral students will also have the opportunity to complete a short-term study visit abroad in Europe from the summer semester of 2022. > more
ifk | Junior Fellowship 2025
- Call for Contributions: 26.1.2025
The ifk Junior Fellowships are intended for young Austrian academics doing their dissertations, as well as for non-Austrian doctoral students who are being supervised at an Austrian university. > more
OeAD | Marietta Blau-Grant
The Marietta Blau Grant offers financial support for six- to twelve-month study periods abroad for doctoral or PhD students of Austrian universities. It serves to optimise their dissertations. Junior researchers are the main target group. > more