Cumulus Association | Cumulus Nantes Conference 2025
- Call for Contributions: 18.10.2024
L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique and the Cumulus Association are pleased to announce the opening of the call for contributions for the bi-annual Cumulus Conference 2025. > more
Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society | HUB Open Call #4: Varia
- Call for Contributions: 20.10.2024
HUB is a peer-reviewed and open-access research journal for reporting on arts, design, and performing arts. The journal is published twice a year by i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (University of Porto, Portugal) and hosted on the Research Catalogue platform. > more
FFG | COMET Projects 2024
- Deadline: 22.10.2024, 12 h
COMET Projects aim to carry out high-quality research in science - industry collaboration. They are characterised by a medium-term perspective and clearly defined topics with the potential for further development. The upcoming call will open on 16 April 2024. > more
Society for Artistic Research | 16th SAR Conference 2025 in Porto
- Call for Contributions: 29.10.2024
The 16th International Conference on Artistic Research (May 7 - 9, 2025) with the theme “Resonance” is hosted by i2ADS, University of Porto. > more
B&C Private Foundation | Houska Prize 2025
Established in 2005, the B&C Private Foundation’s Houska Prize was set up to promote business-related research and innovation. By awarding the prize, B&C’s goal is to help strengthen Austria as a business location while expressing its appreciation for the outstanding research work carried out in the country. > more
Elite Design Awards | Arts and Crafts
Elite, which specialises in the manufacture of high-end beds, wishes to support innovative design by offering creatives and designers the opportunity to conceive a bed for the annual Elite Design Awards. > more
University of Arts Helsinki | Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts
- Call for Contributions: 3.11.2024
The Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Helsinki, together with Master´s Degree Programmes in Scenography, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Theatre Pedagogy and Dance Pedagogy, and the Performance + Ecology Research Lab (P+ERL) of the Creative Arts Research Institute (CARI) of Griffith University, Australia, are announcing the ninth international conference on artistic research. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Design oriented publications "Fine Companions"
- Call for Contributions: 6.11.2024, 11 h
The Rectorate is now opening the call for submissions for new, design-oriented volumes of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The call is aimed at employees (including project staff) and students of the Academy. > more
Emanuel and Sofie Fohn Scholarship Foundation | Scholarships 2024
- Deadline: 19.11.2024, 11 h
The Emanuel and Sofie Fohn Scholarship Foundation is once again offering up to 10 scholarships this year, totaling 20,000 euros, for exceptionally talented students and graduates from Austria and South Tyrol, as well as for Italians with German as their native language. > more
CETPartnership | Clean Energy Transition Joint Call
- Deadline: 21.11.2024, 14 h
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) aims to accelerate the clean energy transition and to contribute the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. > more
European Commission | DIGITAL Europe Programme
- Deadline: 21.11.2024, 17 h
The DIGITAL Europe Programme (DIGITAL) supports the digital transformation of European society. The Digital Europe Programme provides funding for projects in five crucial areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, ensuring the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society. > more
Horizon Europe | MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024
- Deadline: 27.11.2024, 17 h
The objective of Doctoral Networks is to implement doctoral programmes by partnerships of organisations from different sectors across Europe and beyond to train highly skilled doctoral candidates, stimulate their creativity, enhance their innovation capacities and boost their employability in the long-term. > more
Handwerksmuseum Deggendorf | 10th competition for handicraft and design
Every three years the Handwerksmuseum (museum of crafts) organizes a competition on the creation of an everyday item. In 2025, the theme of the tenth competition is „Rethinking headgear“. > more
Culture Moves Europe | Individual Mobility Action 3
The Individual Mobility Action supports artists and cultural professionals to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in another Creative Europe country. An invitation from a host institution is required. > more
OeAD | Achtzig Jahre danach. NS-Erinnerungsarbeit in künstlerischer Praxis und Vermittlung heute
- Call for Contributions: 30.11.2024
For the conference "Achtzig Jahre danach. NS-Erinnerungsarbeit in künstlerischer Praxis und Vermittlung heute" taking place on 19/20 May 2025, contributions are being sought that reflect on questions of contemporary artistic remembrance and mediation work, as well as concrete artistic remembrance projects with a focus on schools and teaching. > more
University of the Arts Helsinki | RUUKU Call for Contributions
RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research invites new contributions for the Issue ARTIST PEDAGOGY > more
BMK | Talente regional 2024
- Deadline: 2.12.2024, 12 h
Talente regional enables comprehensive and sustainable networking of educational institutions with business and research. The focus is on the development and implementation of diverse, attractive educational programmes for children and young people relating to research, technology and innovation in the fields of science and technology. > more
Society for Artistic Research | Open Call VIS #14
- Call for Contributions: 4.12.2024
The call for VIS Issue 14 is open with the theme “The Heart of the Experiment (and the art of failure)”. In this edition of VIS they would like to pay attention to experimental art practices and artistic research where the experiment is the heart of the practice and the specific outcome of the process are not known. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Scholarship Early Postdoc Applications 2025
- Deadline: 28.1.2025, 11 h
The Scholarship for Early Post Doc Applications aims to support early postdocs in the application for their initial postdoctoral research project. This scholarship enables the intensive preparation of a project proposal, which will be submitted with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as the home institution to funding agencies like FWF (ESPRIT funding program) or OeAW (APART GSK funding program) in the end. This call is open to all postdocs. > more
Blue Europe | “Denis de Rougement” contest 2024-2025
- Call for Contributions: 31.1.2025
Blue Europe, a think tank focused on fostering connections between Western, Central and Eastern Europe, is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 “Denis de Rougemont” contest. > more
Horizon Europe | MSCA Staff Exchanges
MSCA Staff Exchanges promotes the exchange of personnel between organisations in different countries, scientific disciplines and/or economic sectors (e.g. between universities and companies) and thus supports the successful transfer of knowledge between different parties within and outside Europe. > more
ÖAW | L’ORÉAL Austria
L’ORÉAL Austria, in collaboration with the Austrian UNESCO Commission and in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences awards fellowships for female basic researchers in the fields of medicine, the natural sciences or mathematics. For the funding, continuation or development of projects in Austria. > more
APART-GSK is a funding programme for excellent junior scholars in the humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase of their careers. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Grant for Open-Access-Publication Costs of the Academy
- Submissions accepted continuously
The Academy's Open Access Publication Grant is intended to support Gold Open Access of academic publications that are the result of research activities at the Academy or are not covered by externally funded projects at the Academy. > more
Open Call of the Academy | Going Book: Grant for Publication Costs
- Submissions accepted continuously
The publication cost grant is intended to support the realisation of excellent publications. The prerequisite for funding is that it is a quality-assured (peer-reviewed) publication. > more
Open Call of the Academy | FWF Open-Access Block Grant
- Submissions accepted continuously
The call is aimed at project participants of FWF-funded projects affiliated with the research institution Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. > more
Journal of Embodied Research | Open Call for Video Articles
- Call for Contributions permanently open
JER invites the submission of video articles on a rolling basis. These can focus on any topic related to embodied practice, embodied knowledge, or embodied research. > more
Open Gender Journal | Call for Papers
- Call for Contributions permanently open
The editors of the Open Gender Journal are pleased about the submission of papers from all disciplines with a gender reference / focus. > more
Humboldt Research Fellowship | Postdoctoral Research in Germany
- Submissions accepted continuously
A Humboldt Research Fellowship for international postdoctoral researchers allows to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. > more
FWF | Book Publications
- Submissions accepted continuously
This program funds the publication and simultaneous open-access publication of books on research findings. > more
FWF | Stand-Alone Projects
- Submissions accepted continuously
Researchers of any discipline who are working in Austria are eligible for applying to a FWF Stand Alone Project. The aim is to provide funding for individual research in the area of non-profit oriented scholarly/scientific research. > more
FWF | Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships including a return phase
- Submissions accepted continuously
The Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships are intended for young and highly qualified scientists of any discipline and seek to enable young scholars to gain experience abroad during the postdoc-phase. > more
FWF | Esprit
- Submissions accepted continuously
The ESPRIT Programme (Early Stage Programme: Research, Innovation and Training) is addressed to highly qualified postdocs from all disciplines at the beginning of their academic career who wish to carry out an independent research project at an Austrian research institute. > more
- Submissions accepted continuously
The aim of PEEK (Programme for Arts-based Research) is to fund clearly defined research proposals of high artistic and academic quality at an international level in the field of arts-based research. > more