Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien

Newsletter Art and Research, September 2024

Dear coleagues,
dear alumni_ae,

As autumn approaches, we would like to draw your attention to numerous funding opportunities in our Art | Research newsletter. In particular, we would like to highlight our own new and newly designed funding programmes and prizes: Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2023/2024 of the Academy (deadline: 3.10., 11 h), Going Book: Grant for Publication Costs (ongoing), Grant for Open Access Publication Costs of the Academy (ongoing). If you have any questions about these and the numerous external calls, please contact us via kfs@akbild.ac.at. We will be happy to advise you!

We would like to remind you that the Open Access Block Grant for FWF-funded projects for quality-assured journal articles or contributions to edited volumes is processed via the respective research institution. Applications from the Academy's FWF projects must now be submitted via the submission platform.

The Academy's Research Day 2024 (14.11., Vienna) and the ELIA Biennial Conference 2024 (20-23.11., Milan) will take place in autumn. For the 16th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research (May 2025, Porto), contributions on the topic of resonance can be submitted until 15 October 2024.

Finally, we are pleased to congratulate many colleagues on their great successes.

With best regards from Art | Research | Support,
Michaela Glanz, Teresa Beer, Julia Preisker, Sabine Priglinger, Paul Reiter, Sophie Schober

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Education in the Arts

Marion Thuswald | Daring Emotions

Congratulations to Marion Thuswald (IKL) on receiving funding from the OeAD for the Sparkling Science 2.0 project "Daring emotions. Exploring feelings in education and teacher professionalizaton". We wish her and the project team all the best for the start of the project.

Education in the Arts

Carla Bobadilla | Viena Latina

We cordially congratulate Carla Bobadilla on the start of the EU-funded CERV project Viena Latina. Articulating Latin American migration memory in a European capital. Viena Latina  is a pilot project for the participative articulation of migration memory in Europe.

Art Theory and Cultural Studies

OeAW DOC Fellowship | Isabella Schlehaider

Congratulations to Isabella Schlehaider (IKW) on receiving funding from the OeAW for the OeAW DOC project "Political ontologies beyond the bifurcation of nature. Nature, society and politics in critical posthumastic and heterological ontologies". We wish her all the best for realizing her dissertation project.

Education in the Arts

Verónica Orsi | OeAW DOC Fellowship

We congratulate Verónica Orsi (IKL) on receiving funding from the OeAW for the project "From green cloth to green wave. On the transnationalisation of feminist symbolism of the Argentinian women*‘s movement in the 21st century". All the best for the realisation of the project!

Art Theory and Cultural Studies

Francis Whorrall-Campbell | OeAW DOC Fellowship

Francis Whorrall-Campbell (IKW) has been awarded a fellowship in the OeAW DOC programme with the project "A Poetics of Confusion: the Uncertainty of Creation in Gender Transition". Congratulations!

Art and Architecture

Christina Jauernik and Johann Lurf | Revolving Rounds

We congratulate Christina Jauernik (IKA) and Johann Lurf on the Special Mentions award in the Pardo Verde category of the Lorcano Film Festival 2024. The film Revolving Rounds was created in the FWF Peek project Unstable Bodies.

Fine Arts

Christiana Perschon | Erste Bank Art Award 2024

Congratulations to Christiana Perschon (IBK) on winning the Erste Bank Art Award 2024. Das Weisse Haus is showing her solo exhibition Spending Time, Holding Space until 19 October 2024.


Julia Haugeneder | Cultural Award of Lower Austria 2024

Julia Haugeneder (alumna of the Academy) receives the Recognition Award of the Province of Lower Austria in the category "Fine Arts". The award ceremony will take place on 7 November 2024 at the Festspielhaus St. Pölten. Congratulations to her!


Conferences and Events


Research Day 2024 of the Academy

  • Conference: 14.11.2024, 9:30–17:15 h

The Research Day 2024 of the Academy presents the range of current research activities at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, gives insights into specific projects and their results, and encourages collegial discussions. The Research Day focuses on presentations of research projects in advanced stages.

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Horizon Europe | MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

  • Deadline: 11.9.2024, 17 h

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality.

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austria wirtschaftsservice | PHÖNIX start-up prize

  • Deadline: 15.9.2024

The Austrian start-up prize PHÖNIX is awarded on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economy. PHÖNIX honors start-ups, spin-offs, prototype projects and female entrepreneurs and shows how essential the successful transfer of knowledge is for Austria as a location for innovation.

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Kärntner Kulturstiftung | 3rd Call “Youth and Culture“

  • Deadline: 15.9.2024

The programmatic focus of the third call relates to the creative power of young cultural creation and aims to provide the appropriate attention and stage for this. With this in mind, the KKS is looking for innovative, inclusive and intergenerational projects that open up new horizons and create future-oriented development spaces for young generations.

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CERV | Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

  • Deadline: 18.9.2024, 17 h

This current CERV call supports capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

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European Commission | LIFE Programme

  • Deadline: 19.9.2024, 17 h

The EU LIFE program promotes projects in the field of nature, environmental and climate protection.

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HORIZON Europe | New European Bauhaus hub for results and impacts

  • Deadline: 19.9.2024, 17 h

A ‘New European Bauhaus hub for results and impacts’ is required to collect, centralise, manage, monitor and exploit the knowledge produced by the NEB projects, the NEB Community and other relevant NEB actions, while also ensuring cooperation and collaboration between them.

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HORIZON Europe | Research and Innovation Actions

  • Deadline: 25.9.2024, 17 h

This call focuses on experimental local action for EU missions: knowledge institutions as focal points of transdisciplinary research and innovation activities with European outreach.

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Foundation for the International Weeks Against Racism | Creative competition “Protect human dignity”

  • Deadline: 25.9.2024

For the International Weeks against Racism in March 2025, the art competition with the motto “Protecting human dignity” is being announced with prize money totaling 2,150 euros.

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Wissenschaft im Dialog | MS Wissenschaft 2025

  • Deadline: 27.9.2024

On the MS Wissenschaft 2025 tour, the numerous aspects of the future of energy will be analysed and examined from a scientific perspective.

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ETSAB and UPC | Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize 2025

  • Deadline: 30.9.2024

Every two years, the Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize will recognize the best university research in the field of urbanism carried out by a student granted a PhD.

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Journal for Artistic Research | Call for Submissions

  • Call for Contributions: 30.9.2024

JAR is an internationally recognised Open Access journal that publishes artistic research from all arts disciplines including (but not limited to) the visual arts, architecture, dance, design, film, literature, music, painting, performance, photography, poetry, sculpture, theatre, video art, urban planning, etc.

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University of Arts Helsinki | RUUKKU Call for Contributions

  • Call for Contributions: 30.9.2024

RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research invites new contributions for Issue: Dreaming the city for real – spaces of polyphony, dissonance and coexistence.

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University of Vienna | Workshop Participatory Action Research

  • Call for Contributions: 30.9.2024

From 13-15 February 2025, the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Vienna is organising a research workshop on the topic of "Political Activism and Participatory Research". The workshop is aimed at early career researchers who are working on participatory research approaches as part of their qualification thesis or a research project.

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Wrocław University of Science and Technology | Stanisław Lem European Research Prize

  • Deadline: 30.9.2024

The competition is addressed to young scientists (max. 40 years old) who have made a significant discovery or outstanding achievements in the field of broadly understood technical sciences in the last three years.

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  • Deadline: 30.9.2024

A five-member jury consisting of the external experts Karin Cheng, Mara Mattuschka and Sasha Pirker as well as the QUEERTACTICS organizers Dagmar Fink and Katja Wiederspahn - with the support of VdFS (Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden) and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna - will award three prizes, each endowed with EUR 1000.

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BMKOES |Call for applications for state scholarships for fine arts, photography and media art 2025

  • Deadline: 30.9.2024

The state scholarships are a recognition of previous outstanding artistic achievements and serve to promote further artistic creation.

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University of Porto | Psiax #8 Open Call

  • Call for Contributions: 1.10.2024

In this edition, they are interested in showcasing drawings, artistic projects, images, articles, essays, and contextual or critical texts that address, problematize, or explore representations of Nature and Landscape, Environmental Narratives, connections between humans and non-humans, our anthropocentric culture, or other possible worldviews.

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Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2023/2024 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

  • Deadline: 3.10.2024, 11 h

This prize rewards outstanding contributions to the Research Catalogue (i.e. RC Expositions) by staff and students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. We are looking for published RC contributions from the years 2023 and 2024.

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FWF | Astra Awards 2024

  • Deadline: 3.10.2024, 14 h

Starting in the fall of 2024, the FWF will be launching a new career funding program called the FWF Astra Awards. This funding will help advanced postdocs in Austria make the leap to the top of their research field.

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BML | Neptun State Prize for Water

  • Deadline: 14.10.2024

The Neptun State Prize for Water is the Austrian environmental and innovation prize for sustainable water projects.

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Austrian Patent Office | National Patent Award 2025

  • Deadline: 14.10.2024

The State Patent Award puts the spotlight on particularly innovative achievements. It is the highest state honour for inventions and brands and will be awarded for the fifth time in June 2025.

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Horizon Europe | ERC Starting Grant Call 2025

  • Deadline: 15.10.2024, 17 h

The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of their research proposal.

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Society for Artistic Research | 16th SAR Conference 2025 in Porto

  • Call for Contributions: 15.10.2024

The 16th International Conference on Artistic Research (May 7 - 9, 2025) with the theme “Resonance” is hosted by i2ADS, University of Porto.

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Province of Burgenland | Award for Bachelor's/Master's theses with a feminist focus 2023/24

  • Deadline: 15.10.2024

In 2024, the Department of Women, Anti-Discrimination and Equal Treatment of the Burgenland Provincial Government will award a prize for Bachelor's/Master's theses that consider topics against the background of feminist approaches or incorporate feminist approaches or gender aspects into the work.

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Otto Mauer Fonds | Msgr. Otto Mauer-Prize 2024

  • Deadline: 16.10.2024, 17:30 h

In continuation of the concerns of Msgr Otto Mauer (1907 - 1973), who gained international recognition through his commitment to contemporary art and young artists, the Otto Mauer Fund is awarding the Msgr Otto Mauer Prize for Fine Arts (painting, graphics, sculpture, objects, installations, new media) for the 44th time at the end of the year.

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Cumulus Association | Cumulus Nantes Conference 2025

  • Call for Contributions: 18.10.2024

L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique and the Cumulus Association are pleased to announce the opening of the call for contributions for the bi-annual Cumulus Conference 2025.

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Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society | HUB Open Call #4: Varia

  • Call for Contributions: 20.10.2024

HUB is a peer-reviewed and open-access research journal for reporting on arts, design, and performing arts. The journal is published twice a year by i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (University of Porto, Portugal) and hosted on the Research Catalogue platform.

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FFG | COMET Projects 2024

  • Deadline: 22.10.2024, 12 h

COMET Projects aim to carry out high-quality research in science - industry collaboration. They are characterised by a medium-term perspective and clearly defined topics with the potential for further development. The upcoming call will open on 16 April 2024.

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B&C Private Foundation | Houska Prize 2025

  • Deadline: 31.10.2024

Established in 2005, the B&C Private Foundation’s Houska Prize was set up to promote business-related research and innovation. By awarding the prize, B&C’s goal is to help strengthen Austria as a business location while expressing its appreciation for the outstanding research work carried out in the country.

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Elite Design Awards | Arts and Crafts

  • Deadline: 1.11.2024

Elite, which specialises in the manufacture of high-end beds, wishes to support innovative design by offering creatives and designers the opportunity to conceive a bed for the annual Elite Design Awards.

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University of Arts Helsinki | Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts

  • Call for Contributions: 3.11.2024

The Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Helsinki, together with Master´s Degree Programmes in Scenography, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Theatre Pedagogy and Dance Pedagogy, and the Performance + Ecology Research Lab (P+ERL) of the Creative Arts Research Institute (CARI) of Griffith University, Australia, are announcing the ninth international conference on artistic research.

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Open Call of the Academy | Design oriented publications "Fine Companions"

  • Call for Contributions: 6.11.2024, 11 h

The Rectorate is now opening the call for submissions for new, design-oriented volumes of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The call is aimed at employees (including project staff) and students of the Academy.

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CETPartnership | Clean Energy Transition Joint Call

  • Deadline: 21.11.2024, 14 h

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) aims to accelerate the clean energy transition and to contribute the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. 

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Handwerksmuseum Deggendorf | 10th competition for handicraft and design

  • Deadline: 30.11.2024

Every three years the Handwerksmuseum (museum of crafts) organizes a competition on the creation of an everyday item. In 2025, the theme of the tenth competition is „Rethinking headgear“.

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Culture Moves Europe | Individual Mobility Action 3

  • Deadline: 30.11.2024

The Individual Mobility Action supports artists and cultural professionals to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in another Creative Europe country. An invitation from a host institution is required.

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University of the Arts Helsinki | RUUKU Call for Contributions

  • Deadline: 30.11.2024

RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research invites new contributions for the  Issue ARTIST PEDAGOGY

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ifk | Junior Fellowship 2025

  • Call for Contributions: 26.1.2025

The ifk Junior Fellowships are intended for young Austrian academics doing their dissertations, as well as for non-Austrian doctoral students who are being supervised at an Austrian university.

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  • Deadline: 25.3.2025

APART-GSK is a funding programme for excellent junior scholars in the humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase of their careers.

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Open Call of the Academy | Grant for Open-Access-Publication Costs of the Academy

  • Submissions accepted continuously

The Academy's Open Access Publication Grant is intended to support Gold Open Access of academic publications that are the result of research activities at the Academy or are not covered by externally funded projects at the Academy.

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Open Call of the Academy | Going Book: Grant for Publication Costs

  • Submissions accepted continuously

The publication cost grant is intended to support the realisation of excellent publications. The prerequisite for funding is that it is a quality-assured (peer-reviewed) publication.

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Open Call of the Academy | FWF Open-Access Block Grant

  • Submissions accepted continuously

The call is aimed at project participants of FWF-funded projects affiliated with the research institution Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

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Journal of Embodied Research | Open Call for Video Articles

  • Call for Contributions permanently open

JER invites the submission of video articles on a rolling basis. These can focus on any topic related to embodied practice, embodied knowledge, or embodied research.

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Open Gender Journal | Call for Papers

  • Call for Contributions permanently open

The editors of the Open Gender Journal are pleased about the submission of  papers from all disciplines with a gender reference / focus.

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Humboldt Research Fellowship | Postdoctoral Research in Germany

  • Submissions accepted continuously

A Humboldt Research Fellowship for international postdoctoral researchers allows to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany.

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FWF | Book Publications

  • Submissions accepted continuously

This program funds the publication and simultaneous open-access publication of books on research findings.

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FWF | Stand-Alone Projects

  • Submissions accepted continuously

Researchers of any discipline who are working in Austria are eligible for applying to a FWF Stand Alone Project. The aim is to provide funding for individual research in the area of non-profit oriented scholarly/scientific research.

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FWF | Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships including a return phase

  • Submissions accepted continuously

The Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships are intended for young and highly qualified scientists of any discipline and seek to enable young scholars to gain experience abroad during the postdoc-phase.

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FWF | Esprit

  • Submissions accepted continuously

The ESPRIT Programme (Early Stage Programme: Research, Innovation and Training) is addressed to highly qualified postdocs from all disciplines at the beginning of their academic career who wish to carry out an independent research project at an Austrian research institute.

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  • Submissions accepted continuously

The aim of PEEK (Programme for Arts-based Research) is to fund clearly defined research proposals of high artistic and academic quality at an international level in the field of arts-based research.

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Dear doctoral candidates,

in the following we would like to inform you about our upcoming activities and events in the winter semester as well as current funding opportunities and other news.

We will start on October 16 with an Open Door Event of the Center for Doctoral Studies at Schillerplatz, where we will talk about topics and questions concerning doctoral studies in an informal setting.

Further, we have planned three workshops: From Idea to Exposé in October, Political Writing in Academic Texts in December, and Time Organization and Self-Management in January. We look forward to your registrations.

In January, we also invite you to the online Coffee Table Talk Final Steps: Dissertation Submission and Defensio / Rigorosum.

The Center for Doctoral Studies offers a number of grants for doctoral and PhD candidates at the Academy. In addition to our ongoing calls, currently the Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2024/25 is open for submissions. We look forward to your applications.

You can find other funding opportunities for doctoral candidates below.

As of October 2024, there will be a change in the curriculum of the Doctor of Philosophy program: In addition to the monograph, a cumulative dissertation will also be possible. You can find more information on this in the new curriculum.

If you have questions, please check out our handbook or contact us by email at doktoratszentrum@akbild.ac.at.

We wish you a good start to the winter semester!


Open Door Winter Semester 2024/25

  • 16.10.2024, 14–15:30 h

The Center for Doctoral Studies welcomes new and continuing doctoral students to an open door event in the winter semester 2024/25.

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From idea to exposé

  • Workshop: 21.10.2024, 10–18 h

This one-day, practice-oriented workshop is designed to help PhD students effectively present their dissertation projects through a compelling exposé. 

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Political arguments and rhetoric in academic writing

  • Workshop: 11.12.2024–12.12.2024

In this workshop, we will look at political rhetoric, modes of argumentation, and styles. We will raise the question which of these can find their way into academic writing and which should be avoided. 

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Final steps: Submission of your PhD thesis and thesis defense / Rigorosum

  • Coffee Table Talk: 15.1.2025, 13–15:30 h

How to submit my dissertation or PhD thesis? What exactly is meant by revocation application in AkademieOnline? What has this to do with the planned publication of my dissertation thesis? When and why is a plagiarism check before submission beneficial? How and when can I register for my defense or rigorosum?

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Time-Organization and Self-Management for Doctoral Candidates

  • Workshop: 22.1.2025, 9–16 h

Are you just starting or already writing your dissertation or PhD thesis, but also have other commitments (job, family, etc.) and want to live a little too? 

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Open Call of the Academy | Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2024/25

  • Deadline: 5.11.2024, 11 h

The dissertation scholarship for the final phase aims to support doctoral students in the last phase of their dissertation until completion.

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Open Call of the Academy | Learning-on-the-Job grant

  • Submissions accepted continuously

The Learning-on-the-Job scholarship offers dissertation supervisors the opportunity to apply for a scholarship for doctoral/Ph.D. candidates.

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Open Call of the Academy | Short term grants abroad

  • Submissions accepted continuously

The scholarship for a short-term stay abroad for doctoral/Ph.D. candidates supports stays abroad for e.g. research, field research, archival research, interviews, which are necessary for the dissertation or the Ph.D. project. Stays abroad are funded for a minimum of two to a maximum of eight weeks.

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Open Call of the Academy | Travel Allowances for doctoral resp. Ph.D. candidates at the Academy

  • Submissions accepted continuously

Regular students of all doctoral studies and the Ph.D.-in-Practice-Program of the Academy can apply for travel allowances for participations in international conferences as well as for the presentation of art projects.

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Open Call of the Academy | Dissertation projects on the Academy's website

  • Submissions accepted continuously

We would like to give doctoral and Ph.D. candidates and their dissertation projects space on the Academy website as well and present information about them in a separate section of the Center for Doctoral Studies. We, therefore, ask all doctoral and Ph.D. candidates with an approved dissertation agreement who would like to be visible as doctoral or Ph.D. candidates on the academy website to fill out the application form and upload the required documents.

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EU ERASMUS+ | Semester abroad

  • Submissions accepted continuously

Doctoral and Ph.D. candidates of the Academy of Fine Arts have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad at a partner university within the framework of Erasmus+.

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EU ERASMUS+ | Short-term stay abroad

  • Submissions accepted continuously

In order to better meet the different learning and training needs of doctoral students and to ensure equal opportunities, doctoral students will also have the opportunity to complete a short-term study visit abroad in Europe from the summer semester of 2022.

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  • Deadline: 16.9.2024

The DOC Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences offers funding for highly qualified doctoral candidates in all areas of research.

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ifk | Junior Fellowship 2025

  • Call for Contributions: 26.1.2025

The ifk Junior Fellowships are intended for young Austrian academics doing their dissertations, as well as for non-Austrian doctoral students who are being supervised at an Austrian university.

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A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien

Kunst | Forschung | Support

Schillerplatz 3
1010 Wien

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