Calls / Contests Art and Research
List of entries
FWF | doc.funds
Attractive career opportunities for doctoral students help them gain a foothold in promising research fields – doc.funds grants strengthen doctoral training programs in Austria.
Deadline 5.3.2025, 14 h
DiStA | 4th Austrian Inter- and Transdisciplinary Dis/Ability Research Workshop
Disability Studies Austria (DiStA) invite students and (prospective) academics from all Austrian educational institutions who conduct research in the field of Disability Studies to exchange ideas and network.
Call for Contributions 9.3.2025
Open Call of the Academy | Lectureship program for doctoral students 2025/26
The program addresses all doctoral students whose dissertation stage is advanced and who aspire to a career as a university lecturer.
Deadline 12.3.2025, 11 h
Open Call der Akademie | Lektor_innenprogramm für Doktorand_innen 2025/26
Das Programm richtet sich an Doktorand_innen, deren Dissertation bereits fortgeschritten ist und die eine Berufstätigkeit als Universitätslehrende anstreben.
Deadline 12.3.2025, 11 h
BMBWF | Ars Docendi State prize for Excellent Teaching
The BMBWF has been awarding the Ars Docendi State Prize for Excellent Teaching since 2013. This is intended to recognize the achievements of teachers at Austria's universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education in particular.
Deadline 12.3.2025
Horizon Europe | ERC Proof of Concept Grants
The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.
Deadline 13.3.2025, 17 h
Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts | FORUM+ Open Call
FORUM+ is an international peer-reviewed journal for research in the arts that is published both online and in print.
Call for Contributions 15.3.2025
University of Basel | SAGS Konferenz 2025
The 8th conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS) will take place at the University of Basel. It invites contributions from the field of gender studies around the conference theme "wissen – savoir – sapere – know(-ledges)".
Call for Contributions 15.3.2025
Verein ent | SCHAU* Open Call
The SCHAU* exhibition project transforms shop windows into spaces where a variety of contemporary artists engage with different themes to inspire a socio-political discourse.
Deadline 16.3.2025
Open Call of the Academy | Graduate Conference 2025
The Graduate Conference 2025 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna takes place on May 15 this year.
Deadline 25.3.2025, 11 h
FWF | netidee SCIENCE
The objective behind netidee SCIENCE, funded by the Internet Foundation, is to support independent basic research on the opportunities and challenges presented by the internet and related innovations at Austria's universities and non-university research institutions.
Deadline 25.3.2025, 14 h
APART-GSK is a funding programme for excellent junior scholars in the humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase of their careers.
Deadline 25.3.2025
Vilnius Academy of the Arts | Call for Contributions: Landing #2 - Twenty Second Reverb
Landing is an international platform that facilitates critical and creative artistic inquiry, with a special focus on research methods and an ethos of research.
Call for Contributions 26.3.2025
Theodor Körner Fonds | Theodor Körner Prize 2025
The Theodor Körner Fund has set itself the goal of promoting young scientists and artists.
Deadline 31.3.2025
FWF | International Collaboration France
In cooperation with the French National Research Agency (ANR), the FWF offers funding for closely integrated project collaborations between researchers in Austria and France.
Deadline 31.3.2025
FWF | Emerging Fields
The Emerging Fields program is aimed at teams of outstanding researchers doing pioneering work in basic research who are prepared to depart from established approaches. It gives researchers the opportunity to pursue particularly innovative, original, or high-risk ideas. The program focuses on funding research that has the potential to trigger a paradigm shift in its field.
Deadline 31.3.2025
FWF | Top Citizen Science 2025
Research for you and me – the Top Citizen Science program is aimed at researchers who actively involve citizens in the research process. Whether collecting data, sharing observations, or contributing experiences – there are no limits to the ways citizens can participate, and partners such as schools or clubs can also be involved.
Deadline 8.4.2025, 14 h
Horizon Europe | Teaming for Excellence
Disparities in R&I performance are due to, among other reasons, the insufficient critical mass of science and lack of centres of excellence having sufficient competence to engage countries and regions strategically in a path of innovative growth. Teaming is responding to this challenge establishing new centres of excellence or modernising existing ones with the help of leading EU or AC partnering institutions.
Deadline 10.4.2025, 17 h
St. Virgil Salzburg | Artists in Residence
This summer, St. Virgil Salzburg, one of Austria's major educational centers, is offering two artists in the visual arts a residency for the twentieth time as part of the “Artists in Residence” funding project.
Deadline 14.4.2025
Fashion Theory | "Fascion – The Far-Right’s Weaponization of Style"
We would like to draw your attention to a Call for Abstracts for an upcoming special issue of Fashion Theory on the topic "Fascion – The Far-Right’s Weaponization of Style."
Deadline 15.4.2025