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Calls / Contests Art and Research

List of entries

  • Horizon Europe | MSCA Staff Exchanges

    MSCA Staff Exchanges promotes the exchange of personnel between organisations in different countries, scientific disciplines and/or economic sectors (e.g. between universities and companies) and thus supports the successful transfer of knowledge between different parties within and outside Europe.

    Deadline 5.2.2025, 17 h

  • ÖAW | L’ORÉAL Austria

    L’ORÉAL Austria, in collaboration with the Austrian UNESCO Commission and in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences awards fellowships for female basic researchers in the fields of medicine, the natural sciences or mathematics. For the funding, continuation or development of projects in Austria.

    Deadline 5.2.2025

  • Erasmus+ | Capacity building in higher Education

    The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education. The activities and outcomes of CBHE projects must be geared to benefit the eligible third countries not associated to the Programme, their higher education institutions and systems.

    Deadline 6.2.2025, 17 h

  • Technisches Museum Wien | SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE Research project “Colonial Infrastructures”

    The Scholar-in-Residence program at the Technisches Museum Wien enables a researcher to spend two to three months at the Technisches Museum Wien.

    Deadline 9.2.2025

  • Creative Europe | Circulation of European literary works

    Publishers and cultural organisations active in the publishing sector can apply for co-financing for the translation, printing, distribution and promotion of European literature. The aim of the funding is to strengthen the transnational dissemination and diversity of European literary works.

    Deadline 11.2.2025, 17 h

  • FWF | #Connecting Minds

    With the #ConnectingMinds program, the Austrian Science Fund FWF encourages researchers to involve non-academic stakeholders in their research projects. Funding is available to teams that combine both academic and social knowledge and are applying them to help tackle social, technological, ecological, and economic challenges. 

    Deadline 13.2.2025, 14 h

  • BMKOES | Film art scholarship abroad 2025

    The call of the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport is aimed at artists already working professionally in the field of film and whose work is characterized by an experimental orientation and an innovative character.

    Deadline 24.2.2025

  • Verein forum n | Arts of Change - Change of Arts

    Since March 2020, the participatory coaching and support program Arts of Change - Change of Arts of the forum n association has been offering art and music students the opportunity to engage intensively with the topics of art, sustainability and transformation over a period of nine months.

    Deadline 26.2.2025

  • OeAD | Africa-UniNet 5th Call

    Africa-UniNet aims to facilitate and strengthen existing and new inter- and transdisciplinary research cooperation between Austria and African countries. Africa-UniNet promotes excellent research based on the mutual exchange of knowledge. This call is only open to internal academy researchers, as the cooperative research projects will run through the institution.

    Deadline 28.2.2025

  • OeAD | Cooperation Development Research 5th Call

    Cooperation Development Research is a funding programme financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and implemented by the OeAD to support scientifically excellent cooperation development research projects.

    Deadline 28.2.2025

  • Society for Artistic Research | ECHO #7 - Speculative Sound Synthesis

    The online journal ECHO invites submissions for its upcoming seventh issue on "Speculative Sound Synthesis," edited by David Pirrò, and Leonie Strecker. ECHO is the online publication of the Music, Thought and Technology research group at Orpheus Instituut, Ghent.

    Call for Contributions 28.2.2025

  • Open Call of the Academy | Lectureship program for doctoral students 2025/26

    The program addresses all doctoral students whose dissertation stage is advanced and who aspire to a career as a university lecturer.

    Deadline 12.3.2025, 11 h

  • Open Call der Akademie | Lektor_innenprogramm für Doktorand_innen 2025/26

    Das Programm richtet sich an Doktorand_innen, deren Dissertation bereits fortgeschritten ist und die eine Berufstätigkeit als Universitätslehrende anstreben.

    Deadline 12.3.2025, 11 h

  • BMBWF | Ars Docendi State prize for Excellent Teaching

    The BMBWF has been awarding the Ars Docendi State Prize for Excellent Teaching since 2013. This is intended to recognize the achievements of teachers at Austria's universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education in particular.

    Deadline 12.3.2025

  • Horizon Europe | ERC Proof of Concept Grants

    The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.

    Deadline 13.3.2025, 17 h

  • University of Basel | SAGS Konferenz 2025

    The 8th conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS) will take place at the University of Basel. It invites contributions from the field of gender studies around the conference theme "wissen – savoir – sapere – know(-ledges)".

    Call for Contributions 15.3.2025

  • Open Call of the Academy | Graduate Conference 2025

    The Graduate Conference 2025 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna takes place on May 15 this year.

    Deadline 25.3.2025, 11 h

  • FWF | netidee SCIENCE

    The objective behind netidee SCIENCE, funded by the Internet Foundation, is to support independent basic research on the opportunities and challenges presented by the internet and related innovations at Austria's universities and non-university research institutions.

    Deadline 25.3.2025, 14 h

  • OeAW | APART-GSK 2025

    APART-GSK is a funding programme for excellent junior scholars in the humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase of their careers.

    Deadline 25.3.2025

  • FWF | International Collaboration France

    In cooperation with the French National Research Agency (ANR), the FWF offers funding for closely integrated project collaborations between researchers in Austria and France.

    Deadline 31.3.2025