Call for Presentations, 14th ELIA Biennial Conference | TURN MIRRORS INTO WINDOWS
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The Steering Group of the 14th ELIA Biennial Conference invites colleagues from ELIA member institutions from all artistic disciplines to contribute to the programme and showcase their practices in the arts and education, be it in a paper presentation, a Pecha Kucha, or another suitable format such as for example a workshop, debate or another interactive session.
Europe has transformed almost beyond recognition over the past years. Thanks to technological evolution, globalisation and open border policies, we find ourselves working and living in close connection to the rest of the world. At the same time Europe's self-conception as a place of tolerance, inclusion and prosperity is increasingly challenged by complex issues such as large migration processes, an ageing population, emerging radicalism and shifting economic powers.
What do we see when we look at ourselves, our institutions, and the world? To what extent do we adapt, make use of or even contribute to the challenges and opportunities presented? And how shall we move forward?
TURN MIRRORS INTO WINDOWS provides a platform for ELIA members to discuss these questions and consider the role artists, arts educators and arts education institutions have in the creation of tomorrow's society. Florence, with its turbulent political and artistic history, a beacon of European cultural heritage, is the ideal city to have this conversation.
Details siehe: ELIA biennial 2016
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