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Call for Proposals | the Swedish Research Council’s symposium on artistic research 2017

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The Committee for Artistic Research at the Swedish Research Council arranges an annual symposium on artistic research. It has announced a Call for Proposal for researcher or doctoral student within artistic research who want to participate with a presentation of their research.

The theme of the 2017 symposium is: Meeting around the research practice – Presentation formats in artistic research

A central dimension of artistic research is the presentation and the critical discussion of the work. This year’s symposium therefore focuses on the variation of presentation formats within contemporary artistic research. By using the specific expressions of  concrete artistic research practitioners as the basis, we want to explore the subject area’s opportunities for creating different types of meetings for exchange and in-depth discussion. At the same time, we want to facilitate a discussion of the problems with  standardised presentation formats.

The symposium is aimed at researchers, doctoral students and other actors within the field of artistic research, and at researchers within other areas who are interested in collaboration with colleagues within artistic research. The conference language is Swedish and English, but other Nordic languages may also be used.

In the presentation of your research, we therefore expect you to address one of the following issues :
- If you consider the presentation and discussion of your research to be not just an account of it, but also part of the research practice, what types of meetings would you then need in order to develop your work?
- What practitioners in your field/fields can you use as the foundation for developing greater variation in the presentation and discussion formats?
- What specific prerequisites for discussing your artistic research arise, based on the materials/media you work in, and how do you relate to this?
- What opportunities for variation and development exist when you keep to standardised presentation formats?

Submit proposal for presentation
Your proposal for a presentation shall describe how you deal with these issues – or aspects of them – in terms of methods, content, form, etc.
In addition to information on the focus and content of the presentation, we need information on the practical prerequisites for the presentation. The rooms will have the following standard equipment: Film screen, projector and loudspeakers that can be linked  to a computer. Simple stage lighting and lights on the audience.

In order to plan the symposium, we need information on the following :
- How much space do you need for your presentation?
- Do you need a dance mat or sprung flooring?
- Do you need an upright or a grand piano?
- How many participants/audience members do you want (please state approximate number)? Please also state how any seating should be placed in the room.

Please state any further equipment you may need: Lighting; Sound; Microphones; Any props; Construction time (number of persons, number of hours); Need for technical support (number of persons, number of hours); Transport

The presentations should last from 20 to 60 minutes. Your proposal should cover no more than 1.300 characters. Please also include a brief presentation of yourself or the person giving the presentation.

Please email your proposal until August 15th 2017  to:

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