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Open Call | Biotopia

Event Label
Organisational Units

Biotopia is part of the festival Aufwind and will take place from June 22nd until June 25th 2017, inside and around the former stables at Krieau in Vienna. We are seeking submissions for visual and performative artworks, new or existing.

With Biotopia, we aim to establish a space which reflects upon social and political questions on how to live together, re-thinking or questioning regular authorities and signs of a state. Special focus rests on projects which encourage discussions on the idea of the temporary living space Biotopia. The goal is to create - with interdisciplinary and interactive projects - an experience of crossing borders and entering new spaces.

Submissions need to incude:

Short CV and portfolio

For finished works:
- Title and year of origin, description of content (max. 1 A4 page)
- Image material or link to online screener / documentation video
- Display requirements / technical rider (if needed)
- List of places where the work has been shown

For concepts:
- Description of content and execution (max. 2 A4 pages)
- Sketches, images or video material
- Timetable
- Detailed calculation of costs

You find more information on the Call in the download.