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Call | Arts of Change

Event Label
Organisational Units

How can we shape our future sustainably and socio-ecologically? What role do art, students and universities play in this context?

With the project "Arts of Change - Change of Arts: Students of art universities in Austria shape change" you have the opportunity to network with students from five Austrian art universities, to further educate yourself in terms of content, methodology and strategy through peer-to-peer coaching and subsequently to implement trans- and interdisciplinary projects. You will become part of a cross-university network of students who are jointly shaping the social-ecological transformation and working for sustainable development.

What awaits you:

  • Peer-to-peer coaching on 2 weekends (Friday noon to Sunday noon) in the summer term 2020. Dates: 20. -  22.03.2020 and 15. - 17.05.2020.
  • an online preparation and reflection phase for the coaching weekends (approx. 10 hours spread over the summer term 2020)
  • participation in a 1-2 day conference of your choice on the topic of sustainability/the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030
  • the implementation of a small, first project together with the other students in the summer semester 2020
  • Networking with other motivated and committed art students (up to 3 students per art university can participate in the project)
  • an allowance of 100 euros for your commitment
  • the opportunity to participate in the overall event of the project UniNEtZ - Universities and Sustainable Development Goals on 04. - 05.03.2020 at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
  • Important: There are no costs for you. Travel, accommodation and catering costs for the coaching sessions and the conference will be covered!

Then let us know who you are, what motivates you to participate and what contribution, in your opinion, the arts, students and universities can and should make to the sustainable development of our world. Gladly in a format of your choice.

Send us your application by Saturday, 29.02.2020 at the latest to

Students of the following art universities can participate: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, University of Applied Arts Vienna, University Mozarteum Salzburg, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

Who is behind the project?
The project is financially supported by the five art universities Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, University of Applied Arts Vienna, University Mozarteum Salzburg, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz as well as the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

The project is carried out by the association forum n. The association sees itself as a platform for supporting and networking student sustainability initiatives in Austria. Further information on forum n is available at: or