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Call | Kunstraum Lakeside | Statements 2020

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Kunstraum Lakeside invites artists and cultural practitioners to participate in the 2020 program by submitting their own “Statement”. We are looking for performative pieces that relate to the annual topic while experimenting with modes of representation in the visual arts in the context of an institution at the interface between art, science, and technology.

Kunstraum Lakeside devotes itself each year to a specific theme derived from its special standing as an institution for exhibition, performance, and discourse. The Kunstraum’s integration into a Science and Technology Park, and the linking of its events to the semester program at the University of Klagenfurt, raise questions about how artists today interact with the fundamentals, possibilities, and limits of current knowledge production.

The 2020 year of programs at Kunstraum Lakeside is devoted to the concept of “format.” While the fields of inquiry for the previous two years, artistic research and the artistic process, had the potential to emancipate themselves from the artwork and become an independent form, and in turn a work of art in their own right, format as a working hypothesis is marshalled against the notion of fixed content.

Submission deadline: 23 February 2020

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