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Organisational Units

IFK_Junior Fellowships for doctoral students with Austrian citizenship or non-Austrian doctoral students who are supervised at Austrian universities (up to the age of 35).

The dissertation project must be an interdisciplinary research project in the field of humanities and social sciences that makes use of cultural studies questions and methods. Research projects can, but do not have to, relate to the current thematic focus of the IFK.

IFK_Junior Fellowships include a monthly scholarship of € 1,200 and a workplace at the IFK with IT and Internet access; the scholarship is linked to the stay at the IFK, more than a minor external activity is not possible apart from the scholarship. Costs for health and social insurance are not covered by the IFK. A successful application enables participation in the IFK_Foreign Scholarship Programme planned for the following academic year.

Start of call for applications: 01 December 2019
Submission deadline: 19 January 2020

More information here: