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Bank Austria | Studios

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Organisational Units

Bank Austria has a long tradition of supporting art and culture. Since the very beginning, we have placed a particular emphasis on young artists because we regard such support as a sustainable investment in the future of a society. This is precisely where Bank Austria Studios play a role: By offering a comprehensive programme of support to young artists as they take their first steps on the path towards their artistic future, they aim to make that path a little smoother.

The period immediately after leaving university is very challenging for many artists. Finding affordable workspace in particular can be extremely difficult. Helping to solve this problem is just one of the ways in which Bank Austria Studios demonstrate their engagement. The programme supports and accompanies young artists on many levels after they have completed their academic training:

  • Financing of workspaces
  • Establishment of a sustainable national and international network in the artistic and cultural fields
  • Practice-oriented support from experts outside the university sector
  • Financial training from Bank Austria

Bank Austria Studios have international aspirations. This is why not only Austrian but also international graduates of Austrian art academies are invited to apply.

For more information, please see: .