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Queertactics | Golden Medusa 2022

Event Label
Organisational Units

QUEERTACTICS short film competition for queer_feminist works

A five-member jury – with the support of VdFS (Collecting Society of Audiovisual Authors) and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna – will award two prizes of EUR 1000 each:

  1. the GOLDEN MEDUSA for the most challenging gender portrayal(s)
  2. the GOLDEN MEDUSA for the queerest aesthetics

Application requirements

There are no restrictions regarding possible film genres, nor regarding the context in which
the films have been made.

  • Film length: up to 30 minutes
  • Submission deadline: April 30, 2022
  • Countries of production: either produced in Austria or by Austrian directors
  • Production period: not older than two years, i.e. not completed before April 2020


Applications have to be sent exclusively by email to :

  • viewing link
  • film description max. 1 A4 page
  • Exhibition formats: 35mm, 16mm, Super8, DCP (other digital exhibition formats after prior agreement)

Award ceremony

The award ceremony will take place on June 15, 2022, in the course of a gala screening in cooperation with the Film Archive Austria. Afterwards, the winning films as well as a selection of the submitted works will be shown.

Contact and information

Dagmar Fink, Katja Wiederspahn

Call text