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Strabag | Artaward International 2023

Extra Label
Due Date
Fr 27.1.2023

The Strabag Artaward is an award for the support of art for artists of up to 40 years in the fields of painting and drawing.

Eligible to take part are artists from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Participants must be citizens of one of these five countries or must have been permanently based in one of these countries for at least two years. In addition, Ukrainian citizens currently residing in one of the participating countries are eligible to participate regardless of the duration of their stay.

A main prize of 15.000 € and four recognition prizes of 5.000 € each will be awarded. In addition, art works of the winners might be purchased for the Strabag Artcollection. After the award ceremony and the group exhibition of all prize-­winning works, each of the five award winners will have a solo exhibition at Strabag Artlounge in Vienna. The award winners can apply for the Artist­-in­-Residence-programme at Strabag Artstudio in Vienna.

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