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austria wirtschaftsservice | PHÖNIX start-up prize

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Due Date
Su 15.9.2024

The Austrian start-up prize PHÖNIX is awarded on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economy. PHÖNIX honors start-ups, spin-offs, prototype projects and female entrepreneurs and shows how essential the successful transfer of knowledge is for Austria as a location for innovation.

The Austrian start-up prize Phoenix will be awarded in four categories in 2024: 

(1) Spin-offs:

> spin-offs are eligible to participate or apply, with the award going to the company and the research institution.

(2) Prototypes:

> Public Austrian universities, non-university research institutions and companies are eligible to participate. The award is made to the research institution or the company.

(3) Start-ups

(4) Female Entrepreneurs

Applications are submitted via the aws funding manager. Submissions are possible until September 15, 2024.


- The award winners and the research institutions associated with them will be presented with trophies, certificates and a secondment as experts to a relevant international or national event worth EUR 5,000 at a gala event

- In addition, short films will be made about the award winners, for which they will receive all rights of use.

- The winners will be accompanied by press and media cooperations of the BMAW and the BMBWF, which will make the award-winning technologies and ideas visible in business and society.

The conditions of participation and the application forms can be found in the download area at