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Carinthian Cultural Foundation | 3rd Call “Youth and Culture“

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Due Date
Su 15.9.2024

The programmatic focus of the third call relates to the creative power of young cultural creation and aims to provide the appropriate attention and stage for this. With this in mind, the Carinthian Cultural Foundation is looking for innovative, inclusive and intergenerational projects that open up new horizons and create future-oriented development spaces for young generations.

The objective pursued by the Carinthian Cultural Foundation (KKS) is to make Carinthia visible nationally and internationally as a unique creative space with exceptional talents. The Carinthian Cultural Foundation supports exceptional artistic ideas, talents and independent cultural initiatives; innovative, future-oriented projects; and productions that have an international outlook.

July 2024 marks the start of the third open Austria-wide call for proposals, with which the Carinthian Cultural Foundation is looking for cultural projects and will support them with funding totalling EUR 200,000.

Artists and cultural practitioners from all sectors throughout Austria are invited to submit their projects on the topic of "YOUTH and CULTURE" via the website and realise them in the period from January 2025 to August 2026.

All details on the programmatic focus, funding criteria, funding and eligibility can be found in the call text and on the website: