Horizon Europe | Teaming for Excellence
Disparities in R&I performance are due to, among other reasons, the insufficient critical mass of science and lack of centres of excellence having sufficient competence to engage countries and regions strategically in a path of innovative growth. Teaming is responding to this challenge establishing new centres of excellence or modernising existing ones with the help of leading EU or AC partnering institutions.
This will help countries to increase their R&I intensity and to attain a competitive position in the European R&I system and globally, especially by becoming drivers of change. Teaming is one of the actions that stimulates the European Union to exploit its potential by maximising and spreading the benefits of research and innovation. It is vital for its competitiveness and its ability to address societal challenges. The Teaming action is designed to support the creation of new centres of excellence or modernising the existing ones in low R&I performing countries (except those centres of excellence that have already benefitted from previous Teaming calls).
Further information can be found on the funding and tenders portal of the European Union.