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Calls / Contests Art and Research

List of entries

  • Stadt Wien | Zeitgemäße Formen des Erinnerns

    Die Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7) schreibt den Projekt-Call "Geschichte(n) Wiens: Projekt-Call für zeitgemäße Formen des Erinnerns", eine Initiative der Stadt Wien zum Republikjubiläumsjahr 2025 (1945/55/95) in Erinnerung an Heidemarie Uhl, aus.

    Deadline 31.10.2024

  • B&C Private Foundation | Houska Prize 2025

    Established in 2005, the B&C Private Foundation’s Houska Prize was set up to promote business-related research and innovation. By awarding the prize, B&C’s goal is to help strengthen Austria as a business location while expressing its appreciation for the outstanding research work carried out in the country.

    Deadline 31.10.2024

  • Elite Design Awards | Arts and Crafts

    Elite, which specialises in the manufacture of high-end beds, wishes to support innovative design by offering creatives and designers the opportunity to conceive a bed for the annual Elite Design Awards.

    Deadline 1.11.2024

  • University of Arts Helsinki | Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts

    The Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Helsinki, together with Master´s Degree Programmes in Scenography, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Theatre Pedagogy and Dance Pedagogy, and the Performance + Ecology Research Lab (P+ERL) of the Creative Arts Research Institute (CARI) of Griffith University, Australia, are announcing the ninth international conference on artistic research.

    Call for Contributions 3.11.2024

  • Open Call of the Academy | Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2024/25

    The dissertation scholarship for the final phase aims to support doctoral students in the last phase of their dissertation until completion.

    Deadline 5.11.2024, 11 h

  • Open Call of the Academy | Design oriented publications "Fine Companions"

    The Rectorate is now opening the call for submissions for new, design-oriented volumes of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The call is aimed at employees (including project staff) and students of the Academy.

    Call for Contributions 6.11.2024, 11 h

  • CETPartnership | Clean Energy Transition Joint Call

    The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) aims to accelerate the clean energy transition and to contribute the goal of climate neutrality by 2050. 

    Deadline 21.11.2024, 14 h

  • Handwerksmuseum Deggendorf | 10th competition for handicraft and design

    Every three years the Handwerksmuseum (museum of crafts) organizes a competition on the creation of an everyday item. In 2025, the theme of the tenth competition is „Rethinking headgear“.

    Deadline 30.11.2024

  • Culture Moves Europe | Individual Mobility Action 3

    The Individual Mobility Action supports artists and cultural professionals to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in another Creative Europe country. An invitation from a host institution is required.

    Deadline 30.11.2024

  • University of the Arts Helsinki | RUUKU Call for Contributions

    RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research invites new contributions for the  Issue ARTIST PEDAGOGY.

    Deadline 30.11.2024

  • ifk | Junior Fellowship 2025

    The ifk Junior Fellowships are intended for young Austrian academics doing their dissertations, as well as for non-Austrian doctoral students who are being supervised at an Austrian university.

    Call for Contributions 26.1.2025

  • OeAW | APART-GSK 2025

    APART-GSK is a funding programme for excellent junior scholars in the humanities and the social and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase of their careers.

    Deadline 25.3.2025

  • Open Call of the Academy | Grant for Open-Access-Publication Costs of the Academy

    The Academy's Open Access Publication Grant is intended to support (Gold) Open Access of academic publications that are the result of research activities at the Academy or are not covered by externally funded projects at the Academy.

    Submissions accepted continuously

  • Open Call of the Academy | Going Book: Grant for Publication Costs

    The publication cost grant is intended to support the realisation of excellent publications. The prerequisite for funding is that it is a quality-assured (peer-reviewed) publication.

    Submissions accepted continuously

  • Open Call of the Academy | FWF Open Access Block Grant

    The call is aimed at project participants of FWF-funded projects affiliated with the research institution Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

    Submissions accepted continuously

  • Open Call of the Academy | Learning-on-the-Job grant

    The Learning-on-the-Job scholarship offers dissertation supervisors the opportunity to apply for a scholarship for doctoral/PhD candidates.

    Submissions accepted continuously

  • Open Call of the Academy | Short term grants abroad

    The scholarship for a short-term stay abroad for doctoral/PhD candidates supports stays abroad for e.g. research, field research, archival research, interviews, which are necessary for the dissertation or the PhD project. Stays abroad are funded for a minimum of two to a maximum of eight weeks.

    Submissions accepted continuously

  • Open Call of the Academy | Dissertation projects on the Academy's website

    We would like to give doctoral and Ph.D. candidates and their dissertation projects space on the Academy website as well and present information about them in a separate section of the Center for Doctoral Studies. We, therefore, ask all doctoral and Ph.D. candidates with an approved dissertation agreement who would like to be visible as doctoral or Ph.D. candidates on the academy website to fill out the application form and upload the required documents.

    Submissions accepted continuously

  • Open Call of the Academy | Travel Allowances for doctoral resp. Ph.D. candidates at the Academy

    Regular students of all doctoral studies and the Ph.D.-in-Practice-Program of the Academy can apply for travel allowances for participations in international conferences as well as for the presentation of art projects.

    Submissions accepted continuously

  • Journal of Embodied Research | Open Call for Video Articles

    JER invites the submission of video articles on a rolling basis. These can focus on any topic related to embodied practice, embodied knowledge, or embodied research.

    Call for Contributions permanently open