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FWF | Book Publications

Extra Label
Submissions accepted continuously

This program funds the publication and simultaneous open-access publication of books on research findings.

The funding program is aimed at researchers from all disciplines. The Book Publications program provides researchers with funding for the publication and simultaneous open-access publication of their academic books to make them accessible to a wider public. In addition to monographs, edited volumes and proceedings are also eligible for funding.
Additional program-specific information

In the Book Publications funding program, publications on the results of FWF-funded projects that have already been subject to FWF's quality control procedure may qualify for an accelerated decision-making process. In addition, the publisher must submit two positive, relevant reviews to the FWF that meet the FWF’s decision-making requirements.

Applications for an accelerated decision may only be submitted if:

  • The intended publication is the result of a project funded by the FWF
  • The publisher has subjected the entire manuscript to an international peer review process

Funding period and funding amount

  • The book must be published within 36 months of approval of the grant.
  • Funding is applied for in modules. The maximum funding amount is €22,000.


  • Presentation of results of basic research of international relevance
  • Simultaneous open-access publication required
  • Proofreading and editing, foreign language editing, or translation required

Further information: