OeAD | Cooperation Development Research 5th Call
Cooperation Development Research is a funding programme financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and implemented by the OeAD to support scientifically excellent cooperation development research projects.
Funding is provided for cooperation projects between Austrian higher education and research institutions and institutions in countries of the Global South, with the aim of contributing to the analysis and solution of local challenges and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Funding is available for mobility and material costs for two-year research projects in all scientific disciplines. The amount of funding per approved project is up to 40,000 euros.
Researchers (postdocs) at Austrian universities and non-university research institutions are eligible to apply. Due to new regulations set by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), only Austrian Higher Education Institutions or Austrian Research Institutions are able to submit and coordinate a project. However, as in previous years, project consortia must consist of at least one Austrian public university or research performing institution and at least one partner institution in the Global South. Therefore partner institutions in the Global South are eligible as project partners.
Further information under: https://oead.at/de/kooperationen/internationale-hochschulkooperationen/kooperation-entwicklungsforschung/call-for-projects