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List of entries

  • Info Session: Research Catalogue and Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2024/2025 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    In this session, Art | Research | Support gives a brief insight into the Research Catalogue and presents the Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

    Info session

    Online via Zoom


  • Info Session: Research Catalogue and Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2024/2025 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    In this session, Art | Research | Support gives a brief insight into the Research Catalogue and presents the Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

    Info session

    Online via Zoom


  • Open Door Summer Semester 2025

    The Center for Doctoral Studies welcomes new and continuing doctoral students to an open door event in the summer semester 2025.

    Schillerplatz/ 201


  • Info Session: Research Catalogue and Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 2024/2025 of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    In this session, Art | Research | Support gives a brief insight into the Research Catalogue and presents the Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

    Info session

    Online via Zoom


  • Invitation to the Defense of Marwa Arsanios

    The PhD-in-Practice program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Marwa Arsanios´ dissertation project Matter of Alliances the Metabolic Image of Land Struggle.


    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Room DG6

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    © Still from Who is Afraid of Ideology? part 4 Reverse Shot, 35 minutes, 2022
  • Invitation to the Defense of Önder Özengi

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Önder Özengi´s dissertation project Commodification and Appropriation of Artistic Labor.


    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Invitation to the Defense of Fabio Alexander Otti

    The Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Fabio Alexander Otti’ dissertation project Gender_Queer_Drag. Drag Beyond the Binary in Vienna.


    Education in the Arts

  • Invitation to the Defense of Ye La An

    The Institute for Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Ye La An´s dissertation project Analysis of the Representation of Contemporary Korean Films through (New) Orientalism and Feminism.


    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Fine Arts

  • Invitation to the Defense of Andrea Moya Hoke

    The Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Andrea Moya Hoke´s dissertation project Vibrierende Keramik – STILLES VERMITTELN im Museum.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna, room DG18

    Education in the Arts

    The image shows ceramic objects laid out on a wooden shelf.
  • Invitation to the Defense of Bernhard Garnicnig

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Bernhard Garnicnig´s dissertation project Practices of Relation.


    Schillerplatz/ M20

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    Photos of a Greek temple folded from colourful printed paper.
  • Invitation to the Defense of Michael Zoe Dewitt

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Michael Zoe Dewitt´s dissertation project Cosmos and fantasy. On the trail of the haute couture fashion jewelry designer Countess Cis Zoltowska.


    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Anatomiesaal (S15)

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    Black and white photograph of a woman in a white dress sitting at a round table on which jewellery is laid out.
  • Invitation to the Defense of Anamarija Batista

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Anamarija Batista’s dissertation project The Architect as Instrument Designer: Conceiving Sound as Variation.


    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    The image shows a half-portrait of Anamarija Batista.
  • Invitation to the Defense of Leander Gussmann

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Leander Gussmann’s dissertation project From Critique to Community: An Integrative Approach to Quality Management and Ethical Practices in Western Museums.


    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Invitation to the Defense of Jul Tirler

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Jul Tirler’s dissertation project Moving imgages: Feminist collectivity and strategies of cinematic self representation in Scuola senza fine and A la deriva por los circuitos de la precariedad femenina.


    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, room Anatomiesaal

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Invitation to the Defense of Inka Dorothea Meißner

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Inka Dorothea Meißner’s dissertation project Künstlerische Narration von manifester Gewalt unter den strukturellen Bedingungen des globalisierten und finanzialisierten Kapitalismus (Artistic narration of manifest violence under the structural conditions of globalized and financialized capitalism).


    Schillerplatz/ M20

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Invitation to the Defense of Zsuzsi Flohr

    The PhD-in-Practice program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Zsuzsi Flohr´s dissertation project Wounded Narratives, Woven Memory: Three Generations Grappling with Genocide and Jewishness.

    Defense PhD-in-Practice

    Atelier at Jewish Museum Vienna, Dorotheergasse 11, 1010 Vienna, Austria

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    The image shows two pages of the Research Diary, which accompany the written part of the dissertation. The artist placed as a collage some photos on these pages about the recreating process of her grandfather's backpack, which he had during forced labor.
  • Invitation to the Defense of Christiane Kues

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Christiane Kues' dissertation project .


    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Open Door Winter Semester 2024/25

    The Center for Doctoral Studies welcomes new and continuing doctoral students to an open door event in the winter semester 2024/25.

    Schillerplatz/ 201


  • Invitation to the Defense of Julia Hartmann

    The Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Julia Hartmanns’ dissertation project Radical Characters: Chinese Women Making Art and Exhibitions.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Invitation to the Defense of Serena Lee

    The PhD-in-Practice program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Serena Lee's dissertation project How the line curves.

    Defense PhD-in-Practice

    Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ), and online via Zoom

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    Collage on a white background, writing, images of sculptures, sketches and photos, depicting mountains, landscape and trees with incense, among other things.