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Cultural Heritage Action to Refine Training, Education and Roles (CHARTER)

Project leader at the Academy:
Wolfgang Baatz (IKR)

Overall project leader:
Lluís Bonet (Department of Economics, Cultural Management Program of the University of Barcelona)

Project partners:
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali (Italy)
Göteborgs Universitet (Sweden)
Università degli studi di Genova (Italy)
Université Sorbonne Paris 13 Nord (France)
Dep. of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland)
FARO. Vlaams steunpunt voor cultureel erfgoed (Belgium)
Institutul Național al Patrimoniului (Romania)
Kultur und Arbeit (Germany)
MUSEOVIRASTO (National Board of Antiquities, Finland)
Nacionālā kultūras mantojuma pārvalde (Latvia)
Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo (Italy)
Zavod za varstno Kulturrne dediščine Slovenije (Slovenia)
European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations (E.C.C.O.)
European network on cultural management and policy (ENCATC)
European Historic Houses
European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO)

Funded by:
Europian Union, DG EAC | Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliances


European Union, DG EAC I Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliances
led by Wolfgang Baatz, Institute for Conservation - Restoration
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024

The Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage , the European Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century , the Faro Convention and Towards an Integrated Approach to Cultural Heritage for Europe agree that cultural heritage is intrinsically related to personal wellbeing and human identity and a rich but underrated and under-resourced social and economic good.

The CHARTER project will create a lasting, comprehensive sectoral skills strategy to ensure Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies. The project will use strategic collaboration and innovative methodologies to bridge the gaps between educational and occupational systems and employer needs, to reduce skills shortages, gaps and mismatches, and overcome the paucity of cultural heritage statistical data. The project’s 21 full members -plus its 7 affiliate partners- from 14 EU states are leading academic/training, employer and policy stakeholders in the European cultural heritage sector.

The project will collect strategic data on the five knowledge areas of the call to identify core and transversal competences, including digital, technological and green adaptation skills. It will research existing programmes, identify gaps and propose capacity-building models and mechanisms for formal education and training (using the EQF and EQAVET frameworks), nonformal and informal learning, and professional mobility. It will carry out regional pilots to test and validate these approaches. It will analyse sectoral dynamics and map stakeholders. It will propose occupational task descriptors for occupational and economic frameworks.

CHARTER will build a durable cultural heritage skills alliance in Europe by mainstreaming the project’s methodologies, outputs and outcomes, maximizing their impact and creating multiplier effects at the European, national and regional levels, to enable Europe to sustainably protect, promote and enhance its tangible and intangible cultural heritage.