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Daring Emotions! Exploring feelings in education and teacher professionalization

Principal Investigator_s:
Marion Thuswald (IKL)
Elisabeth Sattler (Deputy PI)

Project team:
Sarah Fichtinger, Kelly Kosel, Lisa Ortner, Syart Veliu

Project partners:
Fachstelle Selbstlaut, Roma-Schulmediatorinnen, Verein EfEU, Verein gamayun, Amerlinggymnasium, GRG 12 Rosasgasse, Schulzentrum Quellenstraße, VS Pantzergasse, mdw, PH Vorarlberg, PH Wien

3 years

Funded by:
BMBWF Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research | Sparkling Science 2.0

BMBWF | Sparkling Science 2.0
led by Marion Thuswald, Institute for Education in the Arts
Duration: 1.10.2024 – 30.9.2027

As much as emotions are present in their aesthetic and socio-political dimensions in everyday educational situations, they are not subject of research as an independent educational dimension in educational science.

In the semi-participatory project Daring Emotions emotions in educational and pedagogical professionalization processes are being explored by pupils, teachers, student teachers, artists and scientists, without reducing these processes to the control-dimension of learning processes. In the artistic-scientific approach to feelings, these are focused both as a relevant dimension in educational processes and as a possible content as such, i.e. both "emotions in educational processes" and "educational processes on emotions" are examined.

Central questions deal with: which experiences, encounters, learning content and places in and around school trigger which feelings in pupils and teachers; what do pupils and teachers explicitly and implicitly learn about feelings at school; and how do social and institutional power relations influence feelings. Daring Emotions aims to conduct fundamental research into feelings and their social conditions as well as to develop educational pedagogical material that reflects issues of discrimination for schools and teacher training programs.