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University professor

Extra Label
Closing date fpr applications
Due Date
Th 9.2.2012

In accordance to § 99 UG 2002 of the Universities Act 2002 (Universitätsgesetz, UG 2002) for a position in Architectural
Design at the Institute for Art and Architecture (IKA) as temporary replacement from 01.03.2012 to 30.06.2012.

The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna is currently accepting applications for the following position:

University professor

In accordance to § 99 UG 2002 of the Universities Act 2002 (Universitätsgesetz, UG 2002) for a position in Architectural

Design at the Institute for Art and Architecture (IKA) as temporary replacement from 01.03.2012 to 30.06.2012.

Architectural education at the IKA is based on five interrelated platforms, which structure teaching contents and

constitute the institute's operative basis. These platforms are: Analogue Digital Production, Construction Material

Technology, Ecology Sustainability Conservation, History Theory Criticism, Geography Landscapes Cities.


Applicants should prove working knowledge of architecture. Candidates should show substantial experience in at least

one of the following platforms: .Analogue Digital Production, Ecology Sustainability Conservation, Geography

Landscapes Cities.

Requirements for application:

• The applicant must be a qualified architect with an Austrian or equivalent non-Austrian degree.

• proof of excellent artistic and/or technological achievements in architecture

• proof of teaching qualifications and experience;

• proof of highly qualified, extramural practice in the relevant field;

The position covers teaching obligations of at least 12 units a week.

The monthly gross pay according to the collective bargaining for employees of universities in the pay grade A1 is

currently € 4438.10.

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna intends to increase the number of women in all areas of staff, particularly in

managerial, scientific and artistic staff positions. Therefore, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna greatly encourages

qualified women to apply. In the event that several applicants are equally qualified, women will be the preferred

candidates. The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is committed to implementing anti-discriminatory measures in its

personnel policies. Applicants will not be reimbursed for travelling and accommodation expenses incurred as a result of

their participation in the application process