Juliana dos Santos
From October 2017 to January 2018 Juliana Dos Santos is Artist in Residence at the Academy and Dos Santos will be affiliated with the Studio for Contextual Painting lead by Ashley Hans Scheirl.
Juliana dos Santos is a visual arts, who works with different art languages. Her research is dedicated to topics concerning gender, race and class on Afro-Latin diasporas and focusing the dialectical process of negotiations between violence and resistence. In a more intimate sphere she rescues familiar knowledge and experiences of to be and to live in the white hegemonic world and these stories become material for performances, art, video and dance installations. Moreover, the public spaces are the scenarium where she perfoms the daily utopias thinking about the city's imaginary policies. She travels through the history, memory and identity of the diverse range of black people and the experience of being black to the composition of visual, body and sound's narratives of resistence amid the visible and invisible dimensions of the living experience.