Open days 2009
Thu, 22.01.2009, 4 pm - 10 pm
Fri, 23.01.2009, 10 am - 8 pm
Sat, 24.01.2009, 10 am - 8 pm
Sun, 25.01.2009, 10 am - 8 pm
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers a tour through the collections and the departments and studios of the Institute for Fine Arts, the Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, the Institute for Art and Architecture, the Institute for Secondary School Teaching Degrees, the Institute for Conservation-Restoration, and the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technologies in Arts.
You have the opportunity to make yourself acquainted with the university at work and get an impression of current projects and processes during a tour from 22 to 25 January 2009. Both members of the teaching personnel and students of all courses will be glad to answer the visitors' qustions and are open for discussion.
Photo: Lisa Rastl
Main buiding | Schillerplatz 3 | 1010 Vienna
Studio building | Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Vienna
Sculpture studios | Kurzbauergasse 9 | 1020 Vienna
Institute building | Karl Schweighofergasse 3 | 1070 Vienna
(For enlargement please click on the photo)
Special events
Thu, 22 January 2009, 4 pm
Exhibition Space (1st floor, main buliding of the Academy)
Opening of the Open Days and exhibitions | Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Anemona Crisan, "Seitenwechsel", Demonstrationsraum of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Anemona Crisan in conversation with Prof. Dr. Martina Pippal, art historian
Thu, 22 January 2009, 6 pm
Great hall (1st floor, main buliding of the Academy)
Contextual Painting | Prof. Hans Scheirl
Presentation of the student's works which can be buyed by auction at 6.30 pm
Moderation/Performance: Paul Deflorian, Miss Pinky, Eun Jung Park.
After the auction the following videos are presented:
"Corners" by Derek Roberts, "Die Schlachtung" by Mehmet Emir, "Fu Long & Knut A Love Story" by Mirjam Schweiger and Marianne Vlaschits as well as "Ich bin ein Kunstwerk" by Miss Pinky
Fri, 23 January 2009, 6 pm
Great hall (1st floor, main buliding of the Academy)
"Flugfeld Aspern. Eine Debatte zu gegenwärtigen Stadtplanungsstrategien in Wien"
Panel discussion with Podiumsdiskussion mit Renate Banik-Schweitzer, Hermann Czech, Claudia Nutz, Erich Raith, Bernd Rießland, Werner Rosinak; introduction/moderation: Gabu Heindl,
Robert Temel
An event of the Institute of Art and Architecture in the context of the lecture series 08|09 "We built this City..." in cooperation with the Austrian Society of Architecture.
Fri, 23 January 2009, 6 pm
Room E 12 (1st floor, main buliding of the Academy)
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
"Welcher Kunstmarkt Wozu?"
Round table talk with Andrea Jungmann, Sabeth Buchmann, Sabine B. Vogel, Christian Meyer (not yet confirmed), Rainer Fuchs (not yet confirmed), Hans Peter Wipplinger, Gunter Damisch
Fri, 23 January 2009, 6 pm
Studio building, 1st floor, studio south
Conceptual Art | Prof. Marina Gržinić
"In Prison My Whole Life" (UK 2007), film presentation in the context of discussions with the director William Francome organised by Daniel Erlacher.
Fri+Sat, 23+24 January 2009, 7 pm
Studio building, 1st floor, prospect court (access through exhibition space north)
Fine Arts with Focus on Performative Techniques | Associate Prof. Carola Dertnig
"Practice of more Failure". Live-Performances
Sat, 24 January 2009, 10 am - 8 pm
Great hall (1st floor, main buliding of the Academy)
With book table and information desk
A cooperation between students and lecturers of different departments as well as the ÖH (Student's Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
Sun, 25 January 2009, 6 pm
Great hall (1st floor, main buliding of the Academy)
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
"attention! attention! Maria de las noches blancas, the one and only, incredible, powerful, magic and mysterious lady of hearts & daggers!" Performance by Kathrin Maria Anna Füßl
Sun, 25 January 2009
Studio building, 1st floor, studio south
Conceptual Art | Prof. Marina Gržinić
Film presentation: "The Elephant in the Room" (UK 2008, eO, 92 min)
Sun, 25 January 2009, 9 pm
Sculpture studios, Böcklinstraße 1/Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Vienna
Sun, 25 January 2009, 8 pm
Institute building, 3rd floor, room 3.12
Institute of Education in the Arts: "Zwischenchillen"
Main building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna
(U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz)
Main building
(For enlargement please click on the photo)
Fine Arts
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
S 13, Corridor
Presentation of the printing studios
The Graphic Collection
Anatomy theatre
"Wie es einmal war"
Presentation of documents and artworks from the Graphic Collection, University Library and University Archives
1st floor
Fri, 23 January 2009, 6 pm
Great hall
"Flugfeld Aspern. Eine Debatte zu gegenwärtigen Stadtplanungsstrategien in Wien", panel discussion
Fine Arts
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
Raphaela Riepl, "rumfahrn zum richtn der rechtn"
Contextual Painting | Prof. Hans Scheirl
Thu, 22 January 2009, 3 pm, great hall
Students present their works dealing with the topic 'radio'
(Please see special events)
A cooperation between students and lecturers of different departments as well as the ÖH (Student's Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
Sat, 24 January 2009, 10 am - 20 pm, great hall
(Please see special events)
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
Sun, 25 January, 6 pm, great hall:
"attention! attention! ...", a performance by Kathrin Maria Anna Füßl
(Please see special events)
Demonstrationsraum of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna: Anemona Crisan, "Seitenwechsel"
Thu, 22 January 2009, 4 pm, exhibition space: opening of the exhibition
(Please see special events)
Abstract Painting | Prof. Erwin Bohatsch
Rooms E 4, E 11
Abstract Painting | Prof. Erwin Bohatsch
Staircase left, Mezzanine/1st floor
Malgorzata Foremna, animation film
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
"Körperraum" (R 4)
Fri, 23 January 2009, 6 pm, room E 12 (R 5, R 4):
"Welcher Kunstmarkt Wozu?"
Round table talk with Andrea Jungmann, Sabine B. Vogel, Hans Peter Wipplinger (amongst others)
(Please see special events)
Figurative Painting | Prof. Amelie von Wulffen
Thu, 22 January 2009, 7 pm, room E 17: Screening of the animation film "Selbstportrait 5" (2008) by Andreas Harrer
Sun, 25 January 2009, 2 pm: "Finanz Krise Godzilla", sculpture, video and performance by Michal Blaszcyk and Immanuel Rohringer
ÖH (Student's Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
Room E 5
Attention! Extented opening hours!
Free Coffee and cake as long as available!
Thu, 22 January 2009, 6 pm - 10 pm
Information about studies:
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am - 12 noon and 2 pm - 4 pm
Sat+Sun, 24+25 January 2009, 2 pm - 4 pm
Information about doctorate studies:
Fri+Sat, 23+24 January 2009, 4 pm - 5 pm
International Relations
Corridor, poster space
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna maintains cooperation agreements in Denmark within the Erasmus programme with The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (School of Visual Arts & School of Architecture), Copenhagen, The Jutland Academy of Fine Arts, Aarhus and the Funen Art Academy in Odense. FANZINE is contributed by students of both countries who participated in the exchange.
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Fri, 23 January 2009, 5.30 pm - 7 pm:
"Aus der Werkstatt zur künstlerischen Forschung"
Prof. Tom Holert and associate Prof. Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein in conversation with representatives from EARN - European Artistic Research Network - Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki, Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media Dublin, Art Academy Malmö, Slade School of Fine Arts, Utrecht School of Arts
Fri, 23 January 2009, 11 am - 1 pm, room M 17:
Information about the courses at the Institute of Art Theory and Cultural Studies by Elisabeth Priedl
University Library and University Archives
Attention! Special opening hours!
Thu, 22 January 2009, 9.30 am - 7 pm
Fri, 23 January 2009, 5 am - 7 pm
Sat, 24 January 2009, 1 pm - 7 pm
Thu, 22 January 2009, 5 pm, room M 7, reading room:
"Künstlermacht und Lockenpracht. Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte der Haarsymbolik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Dürerlocke", Lecture by Dr. Gerda Königsberger and opening of the exhibition
(Exhibition until 13 February 2009)
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am - 5 pm +
Sat, 24 January 2009, 1 pm - 2 pm:
"Transparente Geschichte", the University Archives present themselves
Sat, 24 January 2009, 3 pm: "Hitler und die Wiener Akademie. Zur Genese eines Geniewahns", a lecture by Dr. Birgit Schwarz
1st floor
Fine Arts
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
"Der reduzierte Raum"
Room 114, corridor
Contextual Painting | Prof. Hans Scheirl
Room 116
Meeting-Point, installation
Abstract Painting | Prof. Erwin Bohatsch
Room 117, corridor
Prof. Wolfgang Baatz (Conservation and Restoration), Prof. Gerda Kaltenbruner (Conservation and Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art)
Videos: Palais Epstein, "Refer - Relate - Memory" (contribution to the Curator Project 2006), techniques of gilding, Japanese Paper Conservation, documentation of the build-up of "50 Hairbones" by Nancy Graves (diploma thesis by Elisabeth Brandt, 2006)
Powerpoint presentations of the student's works
Rooms 101, 103
Guided tours through the studios:
Fri + Sat, 23 + 24 January 2009, 5.30 pm
Sun, 25 January 2009, 2:30 pm
The Picture Gallery
Attention! Daily 10 am to 8 pm, admission reduced!
Sat, 24 January 2009, 3 pm, room 111
Guided tour to the exhibition "Das Weltgerichts-Triptychon des Hieronymus Bosch" (for free)
2nd floor
Fine Arts
Contextual Painting | Prof. Hans Scheirl
Rooms 215-221, corridor
Abstract Painting | Prof. Erwin Bohatsch
Room 222
Presentation of the project works from the platforms:
Rooms 203-208, 209 (First Year Studio)
Thu, 22 January 2009, 4 pm - 6 pm, + Fri, 23 January 2009, 12 noon - 3 pm, room 210:
Information about study, publications and interviews as well as guided tours through the studios every hour
Thu, 22 January 2009, 7 pm, room 211 a:
Presentation of the year book
"REVIEW 6. Five Platforms, Five Ecologies" and the student's newspaper "PP", edition 2+3
Fri, 23 January 2009, 4 pm, room 211 a:
Information meeting for applicants for the winter term 09|10
Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts
Attention! Special opening hours!
Thu, 22 January 2009, 5 pm - 9 pm
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am - 7 pm
Sat+Sun, 24+25 January 2009, 12 noon - 6 pm
Prof. Manfred Schreiner:
"Kunstwerke naturwissenschaftlich betrachtet"
Presentation and demonstration of the (reseach) projects realised at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts:
Poster- and powerpoint-presentations
Demonstration: "Sehen auf eine andere Art - Beleuchtung und Farbe auf dem Prüfstand" (1 hour)
Thu, 22 January 2009, 6 pm
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am + 18 pm
Sat+Sun, 24+25 January 2009, 3 pm
Room 201
Studio building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Lehárgasse 6-8, 1060 Vienna
(U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz | U3 Neubaugasse)
Studio building
(For enlargement please click on the photo)
Fine Arts
Soundstudio | Franz Pomassl
studio concerts and presentation of the latest student's works
Thu, 22 January 2009, 8 pm:
Presentation of the sound studio with a guided tour
Exit Soundstudio
Soundstudio | Franz Pomassl
CD-hear terminal
1st floor
Fine Arts
Studio south
Art and Photography | Prof. Matthias Herrmann
Project presentations with coffee and cake
Fri, 23 January 2009, 3 pm: external review with Sören Grammel, Grazer Kunstverein, discussion about the presented works
Studio south, gallery
Fine Arts with Focus on Art in Public Space | Associate Prof. Mona Hahn: "Mit persönlichen Beziehungen, regelmäßigen Zusammenkünften und Geselligkeiten arbeiten wir dagegen."
Prospect court (Access through the exhibition space north)
Fine Arts with Focus on Performative Techniques | Associate Prof. Carola Dertnig
Attention! Only on Fri+Sat, 23+24 January 2009, 7 pm:
"Practice of more Failure", Live-Performances
(Please see special events)
Prospect court (Access through the exhibition space north)
Video and Video installation | Prof. Dorit Margreiter
Please note: only Sun, 25 Jan 2009, 4.00 and 5.30 pm
"Heavy rain fell, and in the summer John Smith traveled to the farmland" (2008)
Krzysztof Kaczmarek and Elena Cooke, reconstruction of events that took place in Skamania County in May, 1980. Video installation with live music.
1st floor
Fine Arts
Studio south
Conceptual Art | Prof. Marina Gržinić
Thu 22 January 2009, 6 pm: opening of the exhibition
7.30 pm: Presentation of the publication "At the Crossroads of the Production of Knowledge, Precarity, Subjugation and the Reconstruction of History, Display and De-linking", edited by Lina Dokuzović, Eduard Freudmann, Peter Haselmayer and Lisbeth Kovačič and published by the Löcker Verlag
Conversation with editors, authors and students from the department of conceptual art
Fri, 23 January 2009, 2 pm: Presentation and reflexion of the seminar
"Writing Central European Art History", Moderation: Ivan Jurica and Ivana Marjanović
6 pm: "In Prison My Whole Life" (UK 2007), film screening and discussion with the director William Francome
(Please see special events)
Sat, 24 January 2009, 6 pm:
Lisa Bolyos, Vortrag, Peter Haselmayer, Performance "How to Break Reality", Marissa Lobo, lecture/performance
Sun, 25 January 2009, 6 pm: "The Elephant in the Room"
(UK 2008, script/director: Dean Puckett), film screening
(Please see special events)
Studio north
Video and Videoinstallation | Prof. Dorit Margreiter
Presentation of the latest student's works
Fri, 23 January 2009, 4 pm:
Fr, 23.01.2009, 16.00 h: Film afternoon in the context of "Erstlingsfilm" with film screening of "Mala Noche" (Gus van Sant, 1985) and an opening discussion about "Erstlingsfilm bei Gus van Sant" with Dominik Kamalzadeh, film journalist at Der Standard, and others
Studio north
Art and digital Media | Prof. Constanze Ruhm
"Untimely Specifics and Dual Articulations"
Students present their projects and project drafts, realised in the winter term 08|09. Information about lectures, film program and performances
during the open days are available at the beginning of January 2009 on:
Fri, 23.01.2009, 5 pm: Brandon, LaBelle, The music will not be broadcast, talk
Sat, 24.01.2009, 5 pm: Anselm Franke, Mimétisme, talk
2nd floor
Fine Arts
Studio south
Expanded Pictoral Space | Prof. Daniel Richter
featuring Klasse Tal R, Düsseldorf
Film and TV Studio | Doz. Bettina Henkel
"Schöner Scheitern!"
Film and TV Studio | Doz. Bettina Henkel
"Tableau vivant", a project realised by the Institute of Fine Arts/media laboratory and the Institute for Art and Architecture/Department for Stage Design kindly supported by The Picture Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Photo Laboratory | Thomas Freiler
"Ränder der Fotografie"
Performative and Medial Techniques I, course by Katrina Daschner
"That's Showbiz"
3rd floor
Stage Design
Studio and gallery
Stage Design | Prof. Erich Wonder
Presentation of the latest student's works and the work-in-progress "Joseph Haydn, George Crumb" which is realised with musicians (Pacific Quarter) from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Sculpture studios of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Böcklinstraße 1/Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Vienna
(U1, U2 Praterstern | Linie 80A Praterstern-Kurzbauergasse Schedule )
Fine Arts
Opening hours:
Thu, 22 January 2009, 4 pm - 10 pm
Fri+Sat, 23+24 January 2009, 10 am - 8 pm
Sun, 25 January 2009, 10 am - 12 midnight
Art in Practice | Associate Prof. Judith Huemer
Object-Sculpture | Prof. Manfred Pernice
Performative Art - Sculpture | Prof. Monica Bonvicini
Textual Sculpture | Prof. Heimo Zobernig
Special events:
Sat+Sun, 24+25 January 2009, 2 pm:
Guided tours through the exhibitions and studios
Sun, 25 January 2009, 4 pm:
Book presentation and presentation of the publications of the Institute of Fine Arts/Sculpture and Art in Practice
with coffee, cake and wine
Sun, 25 January 2009, 9 pm:
Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Vienna
Further information on
Institute building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Karl-Schweighofergasse 3, 1070 Vienna
(U2 Museumsquartier | U3 Neubaugasse)
Education in the Arts
Art Education | Prof. Marion von Osten
Fashion and Styles - Textile Arts | Prof. Elke Gaugele
Design, Architecture and Education | Prof. Martin Beck
Pedagogy, Arts and Culture | Prof. Agnieszka Dzierzbicka
Fashion and Styles - Textile Arts
1st and 2nd floor
Exhibition of the student's works
Fashion and Styles on Youtube:
Fri, 23 January 2009, 9 am - 11 am and 11 am - 1 pm, room 1.06:
Open workshops for pupils, school classes and all persons who are interested in fashion and styles
Booking required:
Sat, 24 January 2009, 2 pm - 4 pm, room 1.06:
Book presentation: "TechnoNaturen. Design & Styles" edited by Elke Gaugele und Petra Eisele in the context of the Academy's book series (No. 8)
Sat, 24 January 2009, 4 pm - 6 pm, room 1.06:
"Science Fashion meets Science Fiction", film screening
Cutting, introduction and discussion: Sabine Seymour
Art and Communication - Art Education
3rd floor
Exhibition of student's works from the courses film/video, photography, graphic, art and public
"Casablanca": Presentation of the results of a research project
realised by the study fields Art and Communication and Fashion and Styles
"Vermessung unsichtbarer Räume"
In cooperation with the Institute of Art and Architecture and the Bundesgymnasium HIB.
"Speed Dating": School meets Academy
Information meeting about studies/jobs with Anna Pritz
Information about the studies
3rd floor
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am - 5 pm
Sat, 24 January 2009, 12 noon - 6 pm
Sun, 25 January 2009, 8 pm, room 2.12: "Zwischenchillen"
Kontextuelle Gestaltung - Design, Architecture and Education
Presentation of the student's works
4th floor
Information about the studies
4th floor
ÖH (Student's Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
2nd floor, student's kitchen, room 2.10
Attention! Information about all studies only on
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am - 12 noon and 2 pm - 4 pm
Sat, 24 January 2009, 2 pm - 4 pm
Lulu - kindergarten of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
1st floor
Attention! Only on
Sat, 24 January 2009, 4 pm - 6 pm
Kintergarten workers and parents provide an insight into the conception, function and structure of the kintergarten
Guided tours
Guided tours with students through the main building and the institute buildings of the Academy:
Thu, 22 January 2009, 5 pm + 7 pm
Fri+Sat+Sun, 23+24+25 January 2009, 2 pm + 4 pm + 7 pmMeeting point: Great hall, main building of the Academy, 1st floor
(Booking not required)
Presentation of the sound studio:
Guided tour with Franz Pomassl, head of the sound studio
Thu, 22 January 2009, 8 pm
Meeting point: Sound studio, studio building of the Academy, basement
Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts:
"Kunstwerke naturwissenschaftlich betrachtet"
Demonstration dealing with the topic "Sehen auf eine andere Art - Beleuchtung und Farbe auf dem Prüfstand"
Thu, 22 January 2009, 6 pm
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am + 6 pm
Sat + Sun, 24 + 25 January 2009, 3 pm
Meeting point: Room 201, main building ot the Academy, 2nd floor
(Booking not required)
T he Graphic Collection:
"Die Entwürfe zur Akademie im Kupferstichkabinett"
Guided tour with Cornelia Reiter, curator of The Graphic Collection
Fri, 23 January 2009, 5 pm
Meeting point: Great hall, main building of the Academy, 1st floor
(Booking not required)
Institute for Conservation-Restoration:
Guided tours hrough the studios for Modern and Contemporary Art, polychrome sculpture, wood and wallpaintings
Fri+Sat, 23+24 January 2009, 5.30 pm
Meeting point: Room 101, main building of the Academy, 1st floor (Booking not required)
Guided tours through The Picture Gallery
"Das Weltgerichts-Triptychon des Hieronymus Bosch"
Sat, 24 January 2009, 3 pm
Meeting point: The Picture Gallery
Room 111, main building of the Academy, 1st floor
Admission reduced, guided tours for free
(Bbooking not required)
Guided tours through the sculpture studios of the Academy:
Sat+Sun, 24+25 January 2009, 2 pm
Meeting point: Sculpture studios, Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Vienna
(Booking not required)
Guided tours for school classes
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 - 12 am
Booking required: Mag. Claudia Kaiser
T +43 (1) 588 16-1300, M
Guided tours through the architecture studios
Thu, 22 January 2009, 4 pm - 6 pm, every hour
Fri, 23 January 2009, 12 noon - 3 pm, every hour
Meeting point: Room 210, main building of the Academy, 2nd floor
(Booking not required)
Art and Communication - Art Education
Information about studies and job descriptions with Gabriele Prasch
Fri, 23 January 2009, 10 am - 5 pm
Sat, 24 January 2009, 12 noon - 6 pm
Meeting point: Institute building of the Academy,
Karl Schweighofergasse 3, 1070 Vienna, 3rd floor
(Booking not required)
Fashion and Styles - Textile Arts
Open workshops for pupils, school classes and all persons who are interested in fashion and styles
Fri, 23 January 2009, 9 am - 11 am and 11 am - 1 pm
Meeting point: Institute building of the Academy, Karl Schweighofergasse 3, 1070 Vienna, room 1.06
Booking required: